Chapter 16 - Help me figure this out?

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*Continues on from the last one*

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket again, after reading Natasha's text I decided to ignore it at least until I get home.

"How's your day been Miss Y/L/N?" Happy smiles at me as he opens my door.

"I told you to just call me Y/N, Hap." he nods in reply "Today has know what today has actually been really good" I beam at him ducking my head to climb in to the seat.

Closing my door and opening his own to climb in he continues "I'm glad to hear it, straight home today Miss- y/n?"

"Yes please" I get lost staring out of the window watching everything flash by.


"We're here."


"You're home y/n." He gets out the car but before he can get to my door I already have it open stepping out of it.

"Are you ever going to let me do my job correctly?" Happy asks with a laugh.

I just shrug "Have a good evening Haps" I tap him on the shoulder and make my way up the big front doors.

"Hey kiddo, How was school?" my dad asks as he approaches me placing a kiss on my head.

"It was good." I nod while smiling, following him into the kitchen.

My phone starts vibrating again, I look down at it smiling seeing Natasha's name lighting up my phone.

"Someone's popular today"

"Hmm, something like that." I let it ring out once more.

"It's good to see you smiling again y/n."

I look up at him seeing the pain in his eyes, walking over to him I wrap my arms around him "I'm getting there" I muffle into his chest. Feeling my phone buzzing in my hand yet again.

After placing another kiss on my head, I pull away "I'm going to get changed".

As I walk up the stairs I look at my phone.

*5 missed calls from - Natasha.*
*1 missed call from - Wanda*
*6 New text messages*

Message from Wanda:-
Wanda- Hey thought we was meeting after class?

Message from Natasha:-
Natasha- Excuse me? What the hell was that?
Natasha- You could do the the whole time?
Natasha- You could of saved me wasting my time today!
Natasha - Y/N! Answer your phone!
Natasha - If you do not answer your phone right now, I'm Coming round!

Fuck Wanda, I quickly type out a message.

Me: Hey Wands, sorry completely forgot can we rearrange for tomorrow?

Just as I hit send my phone lights up with Natasha's name once more, I take a deep breath and answer.

Natasha: why didn't you answer any of my other calls?

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