Chapter 26: The return.

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I agreed to go back today and it feels like my first day all over again. I feel sick with nerves, knowing that Natasha now knows about the one thing in my past that I wanted to keep hidden but not knowing what she actually knows about what happened is making me want to back out every single second.

I haven't been able to talk to Carol, I am just so angry at her, I don't know why she told her. How could she do this to me?  My Best friend, the one who found me, the one who stayed in hospital refusing to leave my side. Revealing what she did, how can I possibly forgive her?

What if Natasha has told someone? Am I going to be walking into the same situation I ran from all those months ago? The only thing getting me through is that Wanda, Bucky and Val don't know yet and I hope they  never find out I don't think I can take loosing anyone else in my life.

I can't seem to stop crying and honestly, I can't seem to pin point why. I don't know if it's because Steve and I had a blow up, if it's because Natasha now knows about my past or because no one can really like me once they find out what happened to me. Suddenly it makes them change how they are with me, they do that look, their voice goes weird and suddenly they look at me like I'm going to shatter into a thousand pieces.

Is it too late to back out?

*Knock knock*

"Come in."

"Morning Beautiful, you ready to get going?"

I spin in my chair to see the Wanda beaming back at me with her hand out, "Ehh" I sigh dramatically

She grabs me "No! No backing out!" pulling me up "You look amazing, you are going to kick ass today and I am going to be right there with you. Now get your ass down those stairs"

"Who knew you was so bossy in the morning"Grabbing my bag off of the bed I strut out of the room with her on my heels.


The whole way to school our hands our locked together in the car for reassurance, while speaking about random things, when we arrive she gets out first.

"It's going to be ok, come on."

I hesitantly clumber out of the car and take in the scene before me. I see Val and Bucky at the top of the stairs waiting for us. "You made them arrive early didn't you?" I lean in to her.

She throws her arm over my shoulders "I told you, we're all here for you." I cuddle into her as we walk in.

We all have a casual chat and some soft banter as usual, they insist on walking me to my First class. I couldn't of asked for better friends they were there to walk me to each class and they made sure to be there at the end of each of my classes, they must of been sprinting full speed from their classes to get outside before I even walked out.

This was going great until I stroll out of my last class for lunch, Val and Bucky grab me and try to walk me in the opposite direction.

"Where is Wanda?" I ask as I am being guided away.

"She will catch us up"

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now