Chapter 29- GO MAPLE HEIGHTS! Part 2

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Continued on from the last one
Y/n POV:

The calls ends, I take a breath knowing I'm going to have to sneak out. Opening my bedroom door quietly I sneak down the stairs, hearing Steve and Pete shouting at each other in the garden.
Quietly opening the front door I make my way down the path just as Natasha is pulling up in her Crystal white Porsche.

Quickly glancing behind me to make sure I am still all clear, I open the door climbing in getting no acknowledgement from her I sit there quietly before she speeds off.

"I just pulled off some mission impossible shit to get out of there" I laugh hoping to lighten the mood, but she doesn't react. "Are you angry at me?" My voice is timid.


"Do you want to tell your face that?" I sas

Her jaw clenches.

"Where are we going?"

"I thought we could go to the beach, I know a quiet place we could park up." She mumbles.

I nod and slide my hand on top of hers holding the gear stick, we stay in silence until we get there. The sky is just starting to dusk over, as we pull up to an empty car park. The stars just starting to peek through, for a moment just a moment I stop just taking it all in.

"It's beautiful right?"

Tilting my head towards the red head, I smile "How come you've never brought me here before?"

"I don't bring anyone here." she confesses "I usually park here and walk further down." she points to the left "Just down there, I like to sit in the cave area. It amplifies the sound of the ocean, I can get lost down there for hours." she smiles softly.

Lifting my hand I brush some of her locks behind her ear, memorizing all of her features as she speaks. The way her nose scrunches slightly on certain words or the way she unconsciously leans into my hand. How her pupils dilates as her green eyes bounce from the light reflecting off the sea from the moon to the darkness of the car.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She frowns lightly

"I'm just watching you." I slide the back of my hand down her cheek "I could easily watch you forever." my voice is low and soft.

Her cheeks start to redden, she nibbles her inner cheek. "Y/n..." looking away briefly before I gently tilt her face back to mine.

"I mean it" I shake my head in my own disbelief. "I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't of put you on the spot like that." I lean in both of my hand on either side of her face now "Natasha...Look at me. I'm sorry, I have no rights to make any decisions regarding your Team. Who you put on it is your choice."

She laughs shaking her head "That wasn't the issue Y/n." I frown as she places her hands on top of mine bringing them down "It's her, she's the issue. She hurt you, Carol hurt you."


"No. what she did telling me, that's not ok." Pain showing in her eyes.

Leaning back slightly "I thought you said it didn't change anything for us?"

"What? No, that's..." She turns in her seat grabbing a leaver under her seat pushing it back further "Come here." She grabs my hands pulling me onto her lap as I climb over the gear stick straddling her in the front seat.
She cradles my face in her hands, searching my eyes. "You went through something absolutely life changing, yes. I hate that, I hate that you were hurt. I hate the fact I didn't know you to protect you back then. But now, now I know you, I will always protect you." she wipes a stray tear that falls from my eye. "There is nothing, I wouldn't do to protect you. I'm not going anywhere, I will be here for as long as you want or need me to be. I promise."

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now