Chapter 28 - GO MAPLE HEIGHTS! Part 1

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Natasha's POV:

"Come on, where is everyone!?" I shout over the scattered people as they all begin to huddle round, finger in the air as I count heads "Fuck. Where's Y/n?" pointing the question to Yelena who just shrugs.

"Last time I seen her she was sat talking to Wanda outside the changing rooms." Maria shouts out.

Unable to control the huff that comes out of my mouth, This girl is going to be the death of me. I shout over the crowd once more having to get louder over the football team behind us practicing their own routines "Start warming up, this is the last chance we get to practice before Fridays game! Lena, come here."
She rolls up next to the me bouncing on the spot  "keep an eye on these lot I'll be back in a minute"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do" She winks

I roll my eyes before running down the entrance from the football field back to the changing rooms.




"Fuck, we've been caught." I laugh with Wanda seeing Natasha run up to us, I refuse to turn around.

She casually snakes her hands around my waist, leaning her head on my shoulder "As lovely as I'm sure this conversation is, I need your cute little ass outside for training."

I tilt my head to her "You think my ass is cute?"

The red hits her cheeks as she glances at Wanda who is stifling a laugh "That is not the point, Wanda tell her." she pleads.

"Oh I am not getting involved." she steps back shaking her head.

She's the only one we get to be like this in front of, it sucks but at the same time it's really nice. "Come on" I nod to Wanda, placing my hands on top of Natasha's so she has to stay glued to me as we waddle down the corridor yet again.
She places soft kisses on the back of my neck, until we see the light coming from the Football field we instantly disconnect, as she falls into beat next to us, Wanda makes her way up to the bleachers so she can watch.

"Go warm up." Natasha orders bouncing into her head cheerleader role.

I run over to Yelena who gives me an all knowing look, before I plop on the floor next to her stretching my legs. We're all in casual gym gear so that we don't ruin our kits before the big game.

We start getting in position as some of the football team start whistling and shouting stuff at us with Steve being the main instigator.

As soon as he starts I glance over to Natasha who's looking pissed off. "Thor! get your team under control, I can't have my guys distracted right now!" she shouts at him.

He nods knowing he is feeling the same pressure as her before berating his team and them all quickly falling in line.

Natasha is at the front of the squad Barking out orders, watching us repeat the same routine over and over again, critiquing everyone.

"You two need to be catching Brittany a lot faster, she's dropping way to low!" She barks " Take a breather everyone come back and do better" She grabs the bottles from behind her and starts throwing them out to the people heavily breathing clapsed on the floor.

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now