Chapter 17 - My safe place.

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I get it, life is one hell of a rollercoaster but much can one person handle? I can't do it not today, sometimes you just need to step away, hide from the world for a little while and that's exactly what I plan to do. The parents have gone away for the weekend, Peter is staying at MJ's, I'm skipping today and staying home.

Wanda came round last night, she wanted to help me answer some questions; questions I didn't even know I needed answering, questions I didn't even realise I was asking myself.

-Do I like Natasha Romanoff? Of course I do but how I'm not sure. We've never said we're friends, we never said we weren't...we're just us, no title.
-Do I think Natasha is hot? Anyone with eyes can see that she's gorgeous, it's not just that though she has this whole other side of her a side I don't think she lets many if any people see.
-Do I like kissing her? Yes.
-Did I like kissing Wanda? Also yes but it didn't feel the same.
-Do I like kissing Steve? Sometimes.
-Is this all still a game to her? Yes...

I thought writing this all down in this stupid book would help...the questions I have keep multiplying but the answers never appear on their own.

*Door bell ringing*

I frown checking the time on my phone, it's lunch time. No one should be here... I make my way down stairs as the door bell rings out once more, hesitatingly I open the door leaning against the frame as I take in the view of the person infront of me.

"What are you doing here?" They walk straight pass me dropping there bags to the floor. "Oh, please come in." I roll my eyes turning in my spot to face the intruder.

I raised my eyebrow shaking my head slightly waiting for them to respond.

"Why didn't you come in today?"

"Why are you here Tash?"

She fidgets bouncing side to side a little "You've been ignoring me..." her voice isn't as dominant as usual.

"Maybe I just wanted some time alone, you know without anyone else..."

She steps closer opening her mouth to speak but closes it and steps back again shaking her head.

Still standing by the open door I continue "If you don't go back you'll get in trouble-"

"I'm not leaving." she stands firm "So you might as well close the door."

"Right." I huff swinging the door shut behind me. We stand there for a moment, nothing being said.

She nibbles at her bottom lip "Where is everyone?"

"Dads on a work trip, he's taken Mum with him they are going to be gone all weekend." I say as I walk past her into the kitchen. I hear the footsteps follow me "Drink?" I ask pouring the orange juice into a glass.

"I'm ok thanks, I'll just share yours" she smiles as she appears next to me.

I smirk hiding my light laugh "There is more than enough for two separate drinks" I state.

She leans over grabbing my filled glass "What's the fun in that? Anyway, sharing is caring after all..." In the corner of my eye I see her take a sip without turning to acknowledge her she places it back down in front of me.

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now