Chapter 3 - The first Detention

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Yesterday was a complete write off. I had a fight with the head girl. The bruises have come out worse than I thought, make up will only be able to help so much.
I already know today is going to be a shit fest not only has a video circulated the entire Maple Heights students body but I'm no longer flying under the radar I'm going to be the talk of the school 'The girl who dared go up against the ice queen'. To add insult to injury, I have my first hour detention with the leading bitch herself today.
My right knuckle is all beat up, it has a few scuffs and has swelled, I must have hit her with some force...

I have to apologise to my mum as well, I was a massive dick to her yesterday which really doesn't make me feel good. I might go and buy her a present after detention see if I can't make it up to her.

The ride to Maple Heights was fun, Peter spent his time telling me how he could really do with me not beating up his teams Quarterbacks Girlfriend as he wants to fit in and get in good with the team so he doesn't get sat on the bench the whole season.
I personally haven't seen the video yet but according to Peter it was a damn good fight and he was proud of me for getting "a few good punches in".

I am so glad that it's lunch time already, this morning has already been full of people: whispering, moving out of my way and some even approaching me to congratulate me for "kicking her ass". I am apparently now some sort of celebrity and everyone knows my name.
Luckily I've been able to avoid Natasha all morning, we have Science together after lunch but I sit with Val and we do not have to interact anywhere near each other which is a blessing in disguise.

Making my way into the cafeteria I notice Wanda, Val and Bucky sitting at the table, I notice theres a free space next to Bucky and I plop down next to him recieving big smiles. Bucky instantly putting his arm around the back of my chair.

"Hey, Miss Popular" he teases.

I shake my head and I lightly tap him in his chest which he grabs over dramatically letting out a fake pain sound and laughing.

"How long do you think until all this dies down?" I ask letting out a sigh.

"Never, it's going in the history books!" Wanda smiles.

"Least the bruises and cut don't look as bad as yesterday" Val chimes in

"It's called the power of make up, thank god!" taking a breath "It looks horrendous without, honestly you should see my legs" shaking in disbelief

"That bad, huh?" Wanda adds

"Honestly" nodding my head "it hurts when I move" recieving a laugh from them.

"I actually walked passed a few of the teachers watching the video earlier, some how they've got their hands on it." Val inputs

"That's so embarrassing" putting my head in my hands.

"Have you seen Natasha today?" Bucky asks, shaking my head he continues "You look a lot better than her, she hasn't faired as well... she's in a foul mood everyone has been giving her a wide birth."

Knitting my eyebrows together "I think I might do that for a while too" letting out a breathy laugh.

Lunch seemed to fly by and before I knew it me and Val were outside Science waiting to go in. Science is one of my favourite classes, I love doing all the experiments mainly.
Mr Laufeyson was an amazing teacher, super laid back and knew what he was talking about. He always wore a little colourful bow tie and dressed in a suit for a teacher he had a lot of style.

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