Chapter 32 - The After Party Part 1

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Y/n's POV:

The game finishes, Maple heights are crowned the winners smashing the opposing team with a 32-16 overall point win. We're all living on an absolute high right now, the whole stadium goes in to screeching cheers as TJ scores the final point and the whistle goes.

The whole cheer squad starts bouncing up and down as Thor gets slammed under his whole team collectively celebrating.

My arm gets pulled tugging my attention to the red head, whose smile could light up the entire world right now. "None of this would of been possible without you Y/n!" Natasha shouts over the crowds "You were amazing!" She beams

"You were amazing you're the one that pulled this off!" I shout back instantly pulling her into an excited hug my arms wrapping around her shoulders.
We pull away our bodies still flush to each other as my hands slide resting on her neck, her own holding onto my hips. My eyes bounce from her excited greens down to her lips "I want to kiss you so bad right now." My voice quieter than before.

Her smile grows impossibly bigger "Then do it." she leans in closer.

I don't know if I'm just lost in the high but my god she is so kissable right now, I lean in our lips millimeters apart. When I feel a hand side over my mouth and we're being pushed apart with a body forcefully pushing between us snapping us back into reality.

"Carol!" I snap pushing her hand away from my face.

She tucks both Natasha and I under each arm "You can not do this here if you're wanting to keep this quiet, trust me." she snaps back "You'll thank me later." She looks up and nods towards the pitch "Incoming!" Just as our attention looks to what she is referring to Steve and Thor come pounding in grabbing at us.
Steve pulls me into a massive bear hug, lifting me in the air making me squeal at the sudden height before he drops me down. Pulling me in once more getting his mud all over me as he grabs at my face planting a muddy kiss on my lips. I instantly pull away wiping at the brown mess that is wetting my face, "Steve." I complain as he laughs.

"Did you see that! We destroyed them!" He shouts making me laugh at his sudden outburst of excitement, he tucks me under his arm getting back into the excitement of everyone else.
I start looking around to see where Natasha has got to but I see her being spun around by Thor, throwing her head back fully laughing. I can't help but smile at her joy which quickly disappears as he drops her back down to the floor her hands on his shoulders as he pulls her in for a kiss. It's only quick but that's not what gets me, it's the way they both pull back looking confused for a second. Thor clearly says something to Natasha smiling which gets her to nod and lean in for a hug between them, my eyes get torn away as Steve pulls me in another direction.


After the madness of the game I rush home to get ready for the after party, quickly disregarding my kit on the bathroom floor before jumping in the shower.
The music from my laptop fills my room as I look at the two dresses laid out on my bed, I have the choice of a dark green, above the knee dress that falls off of one shoulder and a classic black, skin tight thigh high with a deep cleavage drop...I tap my fingers against my mouth thinking which would the red head prefer the most.
My phone ringing brings me breaks me out of my thoughts as I quickly run over to my computer turning my music off and pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hey Wands, What's up?" I press the phone between my head and shoulder as I grab the paired shoes and walk back over to the dresses.

"Hey girl, so I was thinking we need to talk about tonight ya'know with the whole Natasha thing and telling Val and Bucky."

I hum at her comment "What you thinking?"

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now