Chapter 4 - What changed?

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I stayed up way too long talking to Steve last night, it was real nice laughing and joking with him it was like it was before. I sometimes find myself missing the way we were always together, some would even say in each others pockets. Sometimes it would get overwhelming and I just wanted my own space which used to cause a lot of arguments but now he's not right there I miss it. We ended up falling asleep on zoom together which was interesting, I ended the call around 4am this morning as his snoring woke me up. I am regretting it today though.

Last nights detention went surprisingly well I don't feel as nervous for tonights now. I'm just hoping Mrs Potts doesn't make us share any more information.
Only positive is that my face doesn't look as terrible my bruises are already starting to fade.

Arriving at the front door I was instantly attacked by questions from Val and Wanda "How did it go?" "Did you guys fight again?" "Tell us everything!"

I started answering the questions as fast as I could as we walked to our first class.

It was a very uneventful day until lunch.

Walking down the hallway to the cafeteria Natasha was strutting down with her troops in tow the opposite way to me. I was on my own, I should have had my guard up.
Once they became level with me Yelana shoulder barges me into the wall. I'm instantly winded and drop my bag to the hard floor below.

"Stupid bitch" Yelana spits. Grabbing me by my collar slamming my back flush against the wall. I'm still trying to catch my breath.

Maria lets out a "Oh my god" behind sounding shocked.

"You're lucky I haven't been able to get you on your own since you fucking hurt Natasha" Her clenched fists are shoved up in my throat.

"Get the fuck off me!" I gasp out.

Glistening Green eyes come into view just over Yelana's shoulder "Yelana, stop." a surprisingly calm voice came out

"No!" she cries back she recoils her arm back.

I instantly scrunch my face together and tilt it to the side awaiting impact then all of a sudden all the pressure from around my neck was gone, my eyes fly open as I hear a thud I bend over.

Natasha had somehow got Yelana pinned against the opposing wall, pushing her entire body against her trying to keep her where she is as she's screaming at Natasha to "Stop" and let her go so she can kick my ass.
Natasha is trying to get her to calm down and Maria has now decided to help hold her back.
The big greens orbs are peering at me once again "Run, now."

I just stand there "Dammit Y/N! Get out of here!" she screams at me. I grab my bag and take off running to find my friends.

Val is absolutely fuming when she finds out, bucky and Wanda are either side of me cuddling me while Val is pacing back and forth.  She's in mid rant about how she should go and find Yelana and put her in her place.
Right now, I've discovered I will never piss Val off she is scary when she's angry. I'm incredibly grateful they are all here, surrounding me like a tiny cub that is under attack.
Even though we've only known each other for a short amount of time, they care and protect me as if they've known me forever.

I had to convince Val not to go after Yelana. She was just protecting her friend just like Val was doing for me right now...

Me and Val make our way to our final lesson of the day which is Science for the second time this week, once we get in and get settled Mr Laufeyson starts making his way round handing out our marked tests.

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