Chapter 34 - Come with me?

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The last week of term is finally here...Fall break is coming up a whole 2 weeks away from Maple heights, which means trying to get any me time or time with Nat is going to be impossible. Steve is already going on about all the stuff he wants us to do and to be honest, I am already exhausted.

Since the party everything has been running smoothly. Natasha and I have been able to steal more and more moments together never going as far as we did that night, we just can't seem to get long enough together. The longer we're apart though the more I feel drawn to her, I just want to get lost in everything that is Natasha.

Everyone who knows has been amazing at keeping it all under wraps, no one knows about Natasha and Wanda's secret fake relationship who isn't supposed to know, and no-one even begins to suspect Natasha and I.

This has led to some interesting situations regarding the three of us though, Steve is constantly watching and trying to catch us out even though he said he would leave it alone. I have had to have more than a few chats with him but he's slowly believing it as time goes on. I am adjusting to them outright flirting with each other and Natasha's attention being taken away whenever Steve is around.

I don't know how much longer we can keep this fling, hook up...Relationship? Whatever this thing is going on. It's getting harder to separate myself and to hide it, it makes me feel horrible.

The lies, secrets and deceit never tasted so damn good but when our lips touch it just feels so right like everything else melts away. My mind is still trying to catch up with what my body and heart craves, and I am petrified of the moment they do.

The worst thing is none of them deserve this. I justified it to myself when I found that love bite on Steve 'he's fucking around why can't I, right?' but can that really explain all my actions? Oh Natasha, how she deserves so much more. She needs to be shown off, worshipped; instead, she is hidden in the shadows, broken moments stolen when the world allows.

I know at some point this is all going to catch up to me and I am going to have to choose but that's a real scary thought and I am going to shove my head in the sand and avoid the thought of that for as long as humanly possible. I'm happy, happier than I have been in a long time, and I just want to stay in my little bubble.


It's just a normal Monday, Me and Natasha spend the first period sending little notes, and bumping shoulders giggling between ourselves while occasionally pretending to pay attention in class.

When everyone starts packing up, she leans into me, "Meet me at lunch?" She whispers

I lightly frown tilting my head inquisitively at her "Don't I always?" her face lights up more "What are you up to?" I squint my eyes at her.

"Wouldn't you like to know, see you later beautiful" She winks before strutting out of the class.
Wanda quickly waves to me as she runs out of the class, she can't be late again. With that I am left to my own thoughts as I put my books away.

The room was quickly abandoned, leaving me on my own with Mrs Potts. "I see you and Natasha are getting along a lot better nowadays." her eyes bounce from her laptop screen to me.

Trying to speed up organising my bag I let out a little laugh "Yep, something like that." I nod.

Sliding her laptop to the side she leans on her desk giving me her full attention, "Something like that?" She smirks at me.

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