Chapter 11 - The weekend Part 1

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It's Friday the day I usually look forward too but instead I am dreading it. Yesterday Natasha and I officially started our 'game' at school I've been able to match her every move until last night on the phone.

I have no idea what today will entail with Natasha and I all I know is that Steve is coming to visit once I've finished, I'm looking forward to seeing him...I think. I don't really know how to feel, he's my boyfriend we've been together for as long as I can remember. He's always been head of the football team and I used to be head Cheerleader, it just made sense we were together but we've not been the same since I had to move and leave it all behind me.
Don't get me wrong it feels so good to be away from 'the sad looks' I would get all the time and everyone knowing what happened that night but I miss my life, I miss my best friend Carol, my cheer squad, being head girl but most of all I miss the girl I used to be...The war between Natasha and I has my confidence coming back in waves, I can feel my fight and pride coming back to me.

I look down at my scribbles on the page below me this is probably the most open I've been in this silly diary it feels weird having my emotions put into words spilled across a piece of paper. The words that seem so big and heavy suddenly seem so light scratched in this flimsy book.

Closing it I place it in the bottom of my wardrobe hidden under a box, I can't have Steve reading this. He knows I do it but he wouldn't understand anything that is written within. It's going to feel weird not writing in it while he's here I have got into a routine of it, not that I'd admit that to anyone.


Today has pretty much gone without any drama until last lesson. I'm sat at the back of class listening to the most boring, slow speaking teacher talk about politics, half of the class is hiding behind their books asleep while the other half are zoning out.

I feel my phone buzz, placing my book up on the table as cover I pull it out to see Natashas name on my screen. Today was too quiet, I knew it was too good to be true.

Natasha: Hi Princess, I've not seen you today. You missed me? x

Me: It's been nice and peaceful so can't say I have actually x I smirk to myself looking around making sure no one is watching me text.

Natasha: Ahh so your day has been boring, I can make it interesting for you if you'd like x

Me: Shouldn't you be paying attention to whatever class you're in right now? x

Natasha: And yet you reply...x

I roll my eyes at her response.

Me: Touché, I don't care much for politics. x

Natasha: I can relate to that. So Princess did you like our little phone call last night? x

God yes. I re-type my reply multiple times not really sure what to put.

Me: It was definitely interesting x

Natasha: Just interesting huh? What was our favourite part? ;) x

I nibble on my bottom lip replaying last night.

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