Chapter 21 - Play the part. Part 1

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Sitting up with my back to the headboard I watch a sleeping Steve below me, his head resting on my legs slowly running my fingers through his short hair. I spent most of the night staring into the darkness of my room, until the sun started to rise my eyes landed on him.
So many thing have been running through my head that for the first time it's silent; I think it's overheated and decided to shut down, putting itself into survival mode, taking my emotions with it. 

The body that has mine pinned starts to stir, tightening the grasp of his arm around my legs as he stretches out looking up to me with his sleepy baby blue eyes.


I just smile at him an flatten his bed hair down.

"You been awake long?"

Scrunching my face I shake my head as an answer. You're happy Y/n act like it, be the girl he used to know. I berate myself. Placing my hand behind he his head I lean forward placing a kiss on his lips, forcing a smile to appear "You ready for breakfast, handsome?"

His face lights up, a beaming smile appearing as he jumps up shoving a T-shirt on that matches his trackies. I throw the blanket off of my legs about to swing them out the bed.
"Whoa! what do you think you are doing?"

Freezing in place "Getting up?" I frown at him as he hurries his way round the bed in front of me.

He grabs my ankles yanking me towards him making me squeal at the sudden movement, he quickly picks me up bridal style with ease making me wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"Steve, what are you doing?"

Leaning in he kisses me, "I'm clearly taking you down to breakfast" he smiles opening the door making his way downstairs with me in his arms as we whisper to each other laughing quietly.

"The love birds are here now" Dad signals over to us as Steve gently puts me down "Told you it wouldn't be long before his nose guided them down here" he laughs manoeuvring  himself around my mum dishing up breakfast.

"Breakfast starts the day right!" Steve proudly states

I roll my eyes.

"Isn't that right babe?" He pulls out a chair for me to sit on.

My smile matches his, I rub my hand across his chest as I make my way to the presented chair "Yep."

Everyone quickly follows and sits down at the table taking their plates and tucking in, I grab my fork and start moving the food around my plate.

"What's your plans tonight?" Mum points the question at the three of us.

"Date" Pete mumbles out between chewing.

"Peter that's so gross" I slap his arm lightly, making him turn to me opening his mouth showing me all his chewed food. "Eww!" He starts laughing.

"We're going to a party tonight, I get to meet the rest of the football team." Steve answers.

Uggh the party. I can't even get us out of it, he would just go alone no matter what.

Luckily I didn't have to respond as Pete jumps in "After our date we may end up calling in to the party." He nods.

"Yes Petey!" Steve chants

I lean back slightly as their hands smash together high fiving each other in front of my face nearly taking my nose off.


"I can't wait to finally meet the famous Steve that you've spoken so much abou- Actually, you don't really speak about him..." Valkyrie states as she gets comfortable on my bed checking her makeup in her little mirror before frowning at me.

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