Chapter 14 - Three in a bed.

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Warmth, comfort, peace.

I nuzzle my head closer to the sweet smell intoxicating my senses, gently playing with the soft skin under my finger tips, humming in content. I feel myself being squeezed closer to the body under me by the arm tucked beneath my neck wrapped around the back of my frame.

A soft hand slides on top of mine as I feel a light kiss be placed on the top of my head making me smile into my soft new pillow. Moving my leg slightly I realise it's thrown over the body of my new favourite cuddly toy, a leg entrapped by my own like a koala grasping a tree. The captured leg repositions its self higher closing the gap to my heat, my hips instantly jolting to get closer.

Not awake yet not asleep lost in some sort of heavenly bliss between the world of reality and a bitter sweet dream.

Feeling the trapped leg give into my request of more it rises closer, my body involuntary slowly grinding pleading for more.

My hand clasping at the soft skin tugging it impossibly closer a tiny crackle of a moan rumbles in my throat. I feel the hand above mine disappear and reappear under my chin guiding my head up, my eyes staying closed fully lost in the sensation between my legs as my lips are captured in a soft kiss.

Falling gracefully into a rhythm of gentle movements from my hips to my lips, the kiss going from light pecks  to dancing tongues. The hand that guided the kiss now knotted in my hair controlling the slow, sensual speed while my hips started to increase pressing harder down movements slow yet erratic.

Elegant quiet moans that seem to ripple through both of our bodies, moans that can be felt but not heard by others.

My body slowly building itself up, climbing up an impossible mountain fighting the elements and pleading to get to the top to finally jump off and fly. So close I can see the end the beautiful, glorious finish my body craves more than it craves air to survive. I just need a little push to cross the finish line.

The lips pull from mine as a whisper of a raspy voice blesses my ears.

"Cum for me..."

Finally opening my eyes, I see who has been along for this journey.

I knew it was you.

"Fuck" I breath out faintly as realization smacks me in the face suddenly.

Pulling me in for another kiss "Don't stop" a pleading voice encouraging my movements to continue my body acting on instict doing as it's told. Completely lost in the moment.

A loud grumble comes from behind us making me jump, snapping my head to the sound. Arms suddenly tighten around me as I sit up slightly keeping me in place making sure I don't jolt the other sleeping body awake.

"Shhh, it's ok. He was asleep the whole time, if you move in a panic he might wake..." She tried to reassure me.

"I.." Panic is clear in my eyes as they bounce from green orbs to my boyfriend who's lying on his front on the opposite side of the bed snoring away.

She runs her hand over my hair trying to present it better "You're ok y/n, he's fast asleep." she pulls me back towards her and nudges her nose off of mine smiling.

"You seem like you've had a good morning" she teases.

I smile plopping my forehead onto her chest as I let out a sigh. "I'm so sorry. I didn't..."

"Don't apologise... I was awake and you clearly want it" She whispers "Even if I don't get to do much but I'm glad you can use my leg how you want."

My eyes snap to hers, face instantly burning red. "Stop" I tremble out still trying to process how close I was while riding her leg.

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