Chapter 8 - The Visitor

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*Knock knock*

"Come in" I don't bother to turn around I'm assuming it's either Peter or my parents.


A feminine voice comes from behind me making me shift on the bed to face the noise.


Confusion is written all over my face "What are you doing here?" I sit up leaving my phone on the bed. "How do you know where I live?"

"I'm here to start the science project. You told me you lived on this street it wasn't hard to figure out this place was yours..." She leans against the door frame smiling at me

"How did you get up here?" Standing up off of my bed.

"Your mum let me in. Are you going to invite me in or do you have more questions?" She folds her arms at me.

"Errm- right yeh come in, I- what? we have ages to do this project." I'm stuttering trying to process everything. I know we're on better terms now but I don't know how I feel about her being in my room. I start rushing around grabbing my uniform off the floor where I threw it after I got changed trying to tidy it up a bit. I hear my door click shut.

"What are you doing?" The voice pulls me out of my mental panic.

Bending down to pick up some other disregarded item of clothing "clearly I'm cleaning, I wasn't expecting visitors"


"What?" I spin around, my eyes going wide "you're... you're on my bed." Pretty sure I wasn't meant to say that out loud.

"Stop freaking out, I don't care if you've got clothes on the floor. Do you not want me on your bed y/n?" She's leaning back on her elbow staring at me.

I look around "I just, no, I mean sure if that's where you want to be" I stand there with my uniform crumpled in my arms.

"Where do you want me y/n?" She says in a low voice.

"There, there is fine. On the bed. On my bed is fine." I stutter out.

"Are you just going to stand there?"

"No" Throwing my uniform into the wash basket, I pull out the chair next to my desk and sit on it facing her.

She is wearing dark blue jeans and a tight fitted top, she's lying back on her elbow clearly making herself comfortable. "Why are you being so awkward? Never had a girl on your bed before?" She's teasing me.

I open my mouth to speak as my phone pings next to her. She smiles as she grabs my phone, "Steve has texted you, should we see what he has to say" She smiles.

I jump up making my way to the side of my bed putting my hand out "Give me my phone"

"What? don't want me to reply?" She opens my phone screen.

"Give me my phone Tasha"I step forward

"Awwh he loves you" She begins scrolling up "He's very needy isn't he?"

"Natasha stop I swear to god" I jump on the bed trying to snatch the phone out of her hand, which she instantly throws above her head.

"Natasha!" I try and reach up above her but she moves again.

She starts laughing, "Ooo you nearly got it that time..."

We are struggling against each other, I straddle her as she keeps moving the phone just out of my reach.

"Natasha..." I huff out as she slivers the phone under her, behind her back.

I instantly try and wiggle my hands around her back, attacking from both sides.

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now