Chapter 9- Let the games begin Part 1

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I don't know what to write, so much has happened. How do I even begin to understand or process this? Natasha turned up last night, yes that Natasha! I know I should have kicked her out straight away, I have no idea how everything progressed the way they did.
Why is it that when she's near me every single nerve in my body ignites, when she kisses me it's like I can't breath but at the same time it's like coming up for air for the first time. Why does she make me feel this? She was right I do have something to prove and she knows every button to press to make me react to her. I'm not going to back down, I can't let her win...while I'm at it I might even take that popularity crown off her.
She wants me to come out swinging that's exactly what I am going to do.
I guess I'm going back to the old me.

I put my pen down sitting back in my chair with my new found confidence that I thought was lost and not coming back when my phone pings beside me, I reach for it opening it.

Natasha: I've left you a present outside your front door ;) x

I frown at her message but instantly reply.

Me: Why? What is it? x

Natasha: Just go get it princess.x

I roll my eyes at my phone, still in my PJs I make my way down stairs thankfully avoiding everyone else. Opening the door I see a little gift bag, I look around to see if she's still hanging around outside. Picking up the bag I make my way back to my room sitting at my desk, I open it and there is a small tub in it and a note.

Note:- *Just on the incase I give you any more marks ;)*

I look at the container 'tattoo cover up cream' I say to myself.

I pick up my phone typing out a message.

Me- Tattoo cover up cream? I don't have any tattoos...x

Natasha- Oh I know but it's stronger than concealer, trust me you wont be able to tell it's a magic cream x

Me- Right, ok. Thank you I guess x

I smirk to myself, might as well start the game right? I start typing out another message straight away.

Me- Oh, by the way you wont be giving me anymore love bites. You'll be needing this tattoo cream next time ;) It's only fair. x

I sit back feeling rather smug. I see her typing bubble come up and down multiple times until my phone pings once more.

Natasha- Oh princess we both know you're all bark no bite but cute attempt x

Oh this bitch, she has no idea.

Me- You really underestimate me Tasha. I can't wait to prove you wrong. x

I bounce over to my wardrobe finding the clothes I had hidden a long time ago thinking I wouldn't need them again, what's a better excuse than now to get them out.


Luckily I didn't see anyone this morning except Happy my driver, Peter had left early and so had my parents.

I arrive with Happy opening my car door to the front of the School which is already swarming with people, taking a deep breath I step out of the car holding my head high.

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