Chapter 35 - Girls gone wild Part 1.

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Y/n POV:

We are finally here, I let go of my suitcase looking up at the huge white building taking this all in. The sea air just hits differently when you're on holiday.

"I thought we were going to a beach house not a mansion." Wanda plops her bag down beside me huffing.

"Impressive right?" Natasha leans forward to respond to Wanda who's on the other side of me dropping me a little wink. 

"Why are we waiting out here? I've got booze to drink!" Yelena screams before charging forward. 

"I guess we've had our orders. LETS GO GIRLS!" Nat wails grabbing my suitcase alongside hers as everyone quickly follows the leading blonde. "Come on beautiful." she nods her head edging me to follow.

Wanda nudges my shoulder "This week is going to be fun." 

"Hell yeah it is!" Carol shouts back to us before following the rest. 


Once we make our way inside Wanda and I just stand there watching everyone skit around, taking in the large lounge area attached to all glass windows, even from the front door you can see the view of the never ending ocean disappearing in the distance. 

"Shit, I have never felt so poor." she mumbles to me making me hum in response. 

"I'll show you to your rooms" Nat smiles towards the two of us, the rest of the girls have already taken off to claim their rooms. 

I ask several times if Natasha is wanting me to take my own suitcase but she declines each time as she tugs it through the corridors. 

"Wanda this is you, not that it matters 'cause a lot of the time everyone ends up mix matching and moving around" She smiles stopping outside one of the doors, the sounds at the other end of the corridor travelling to us as the rest of the girls are heard shouting and laughing between themselves. 

The other red head opens the door and makes her way in leaving us both in the corridor alone. 

"Your room is just a bit further up." she nods leading the way once more, opening the door she leaves her suitcase in the corridor and walks in and placing my suitcase just to the side of the door before stepping up to me wrapping her arms around my waist "This is yours beautiful." She smirks placing a chaste kiss on my cheek, my hands rubbing up her arms I lock my fingers behind her neck. 

My eyes bounce between her eyes and lips, "It's perfect." I nudge our noses together. 

A smile tugs at her lips "I'm glad" her hands squeeze at my hips pulling our bodies closer together "My room is just the next one over."

"What?" I instantly frown, pulling my face away slightly to look at her fully "What do you mean your room? I thought-" I cut myself off trying to process her words frowning more.

she chuckles "I didn't want to assume you'd want to stay in the same room as me so I made sure you could still have your own. I want you to feel comfortable." She confesses her features are soft. "I want you to relax while you're here, enjoy yourself. There's no pressure or expectations, I just want you to be you without any worries." 

I open my mouth to speak but quickly close it again, I shake my head gently before pulling her in connecting our lips. We fall into a steady pace, taking our time my fingers gently gliding into her hair as her hands explore my hips up to my ribs. Breaking the kiss I pull back once more she lets out a little whimper at the disconnection but opens her eyes to look at me.

"Hm, what was that for?" she asks

"For just being you." I smirk before fully stepping out of her grasp I walk behind her grabbing the suitcase tugging it back into the corridor and grabbing hers walking further up I stop in front of the next available door. I look back seeing her pop her head just past the door frame watching me "Is this one yours?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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