Chapter 33 - The After party Part 2

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Y/n's POV:

"I was wondering when you were going to arrive!" Carol jumps up from the sofa pulling me into a hug "How's it going" She whispers

"Everyone knows now" I whisper back pulling away from the hug, the music humming in the back ground as I look around "Is he not here yet?"

"Steve?" She questions "Well he's not obsessively clung to you yet so I'm going to say no" She rolls her eyes, walking over to the table making me follow her she passes me a red cup filled to the brim.

"What's even in this?" I frown down at the dark brown liquid

"No idea but it tastes" she sips at it "it tastes questionable but deffinitely like it can get you pissed." She laughs she looks up to the room seeing Natasha and Wanda on separate sides talking to their people "Do you think they are going to be able to pull this off?"

I tilt my head "I hope so, they just have to make Steve believe it right?"

She leans in "It would probably be more believable if Natasha could keep her eyes off of you for more than two seconds and stops checking you out"

"She's not" Just as I look up towards her shes looking in my direction smiling away, she winks before turning her attention back to Yelena "Ok, maybe she is."

She hums into her drink "She is totally undressing you with her eyes right now." she smirks giving me a knowing luck.

"Why do you think I wore this dress." I smirk cockily.

Throwing her arm over my shoulder "Girl, this confidence is so hot on you. I don't think I've ever seen you like this."
Biting back my smile I just shake my head at her looking at the stunning red head across the room, my eyes glued to her ass. "Y/n man, you're looking at her like she's your next meal you really need to stop!"

My eyes go wide as I try to look anywhere but her "Well... she might be." I joke as she bellows out a laugh shaking her head.

The front door swings open as Steve walks in clocking me and Carol straight away "Let the games begin." she says faking her biggest smile at the approaching brunette. "Hi Stevie!"

"Hey Caz" his attention turns to me "Babe I tried calling you." He smiles between us

I know, I ignored it. "Sorry I must not have realized over the music" I smile as he pulls me away from Carol into his arms. I glance up to Natasha who is obviously already looking at us suddenly look around for Wanda who's copying her, they both nod to each other in some form of secret code. Yep. Tonight is going to suck.

Steve sees Thor and the other guys letting out a large battle scream towards them making me flinch and rub my ear. Tearing my self away from his grasp I pat his chest "Go, have fun"  Please for the love of god go.

"I don't want to leave you alone" he whines

"I insist really, Steve go. I'll be fine" I turn around grabbing another cup and passing it to him "Go." I nod towards the rowdy lads in the corner.

As he takes off Carol leans in "Has he always been this annoying and clingy or am I only just noticing?"

"He's not changed at all." I roll my eyes. I point to my own red cup "I need more of what ever this is." Without missing a beat Carol is placing another one in my hand, tapping our cups together, we throw our heads back downing them in one go.


Throughout the night we all mingle with each other, laughing and joking away. I try to keep my distance from Natasha as much as possible which is working out harder than we originally thought.

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now