Chapter 12 - The weekend Part 2.

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A/N- This chapter and future chapters may have straight makeout scenes in (I will try and make them with as little detail as possible unless your comfortable with it then let me know and I will add more.) Also possible trigger warning for future chapters that may talk about SA in the passed tense.



Last night was a complete blow out, Steve ended up spending most of the night bro-mancing out with Pete and my Dad about sports. The only plus is I got through a lot of levels on my new game, only being spoken to when they wanted something or to settle a debate about who's the best player in American Football right now. 
Even though Steve was hugging up to me, putting his arm around me or holding my hand at every chance he got it was more annoying than sweet, he was disrupting my game. 

I gave in to the boredom and being ignored at some point and took my self to bed, I felt Steve climb in sometime around 2am wrapping his big arms around me. He's like a human heater, I was too hot to sleep and I couldn't wiggle out of his grasp no matter how hard I tried so I sat awake listening to him snore. I definitely haven't missed his loud snoring.

It's now morning, I watched the sun rise through my window. I am now lying on Steve's sculpted chest playing with his little tuffs of hair that he clearly manscapes.

I feel him begin to stir under me I quickly close my eyes pretending to be asleep, I feel his finger go under my chin lifting my head, "Morning beautiful." he places a soft kiss on my forehead, I smile up to him.

"I've missed waking up to you each morning." His deep husky voice breaks the silence again, I hum in response. He leans down placing a spiky kiss on my lips, using the arm I'm lying on he pulls me closer his free hand falling on top of mine on his chest.

He connects our lips once more, my lips tight not really giving into the kiss like I know I'm meant to. He starts to manoeuvre us so I'm on my back and he's slowly makes himself comfortable next to me, kissing me more.

My heart is racing but not in a good way, I feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack. His hands are exploring my body, we've done this so many time before. Since the 'incident' from my last school we've barely even kissed.

He moves to my neck and I clench my eyes shut, I'm about to gentle push him off when a knock echoes through my room.

Saved by the knock.

My mums soft voice comes from behind the door, she knows not to walk into my room when Steve's round, She learnt that the hard way on that but right now it's a blessing I didn't know I needed.

"Morning, I've made breakfast. It's all your favourites come down when your ready." she calls through the thick wooden door.

I instantly reply "Thanks mum, we will be down soon."

Steve smiles at me as I roll my eyes acting disappointed at what she just stopped "She always interrupts, just as it was getting good" I smile back at him.

"We don't have to go down right now" he places another kiss on my lips which I welcome a little easier than before. He climbs on top of me tugging my legs around his waist, this is the moment I realise he came to bed in just his boxers, I'm so glad I came to bed in my joggers and Vest top right now.

My eyes go wide when he lowers himself down onto me "Someone is clearly happy this morning..." I smile hoping he doesn't know I'm fighting an internal battle.

He starts kissing me again "He's really missed you."

"I can tell" I place my hand on his chest stopping him, "but if we don't go down soon, we both know she will be back up." I can't tell him that I just don't feel ready for that again just yet, he waited so long been so patient with me. I just need to play this off.

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