Chapter 5 - The party.

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Tonight is the night of the party. Val, Wanda and Bucky are making me go shopping with them later today, I've not really had a chance to see the town yet so I'm getting excited for it. They've also convinced me to at least show my face at this party, it should be interesting. Peter is buzzing about going it's the only thing he's spoken about since finding out. He's got a girlfriend now, I haven't met her yet but I'm sure it wont be too long before I do.

The last few days have been good, noone has slammed me up against a wall or attempted to fight me again. My detentions with Natasha have been mundane, we haven't been left alone so not really had time to talk, we have messaged back and forth multiple times. It's getting easier to talk to each other, some may say we are getting along.

I was able to make it up to Steve, it's hard for both of us being so far away from each other constantly talking about how we're going to see each other soon is probably what's keeping us sane. He wasn't happy about me being invited to this party, he's determined that I'm going to hook up with other people. It took a lot of reassurance that no one else is in my life like that.

Val has put us all in a group chat that is constantly beeping away. The name of the chat keeps changing they are battling for the best, so far we've had: Vals Angels, Quad squad, Fantastic Four, Master minds, Y/N's Fight club, People I tolerate and The chosen ones, its currently on the Golden Girls which Bucky will eventually end up changing.

Val: hey Bitches what time are we meeting up? x

Bucky: Bout 12? x

Wanda: Are we going to have enough time? x

Bucky: 7 hours to go shopping and get ready...more than enough time...x

Wanda: 7 hours is not enough time to perfect this beauty Buck! x

Val: hmm good point maybe we should meet at 11? x

Bucky: I swear, you girls are going to be the death of me! Y/N Back me up here x

Wanda: you love us! x

Bucky: you're bloody lucky I do! x

Val: Y/N stop ignoring the chat! x

Bucky: Why am I even coming again?x

Wanda: Because you want to get laid and we're going to make you look hot AF. x

Bucky: ahh yes, My wing women as always!x

Me: Sorry guys, was talking to the mother... she's giving me the behave, be safe and look after your baby brother talk. x

Bucky: *Gag* you excited for tonight Y/N? first Maple Heights party! whoop whoop x

Me: Kinda, everyone has proper hyped it up i'm a bit nervous x

Bucky: Don't you worry, everyone will be too pissed to fight! it will be amazing x

Finally deciding on a time to meet up we agree to meet near the fountain outside the Mall. We hit so many shops I actually lost count, if the party wasn't tonight i'd be going home for a nap.

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