Chapter 18- She's more than you know.

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AN - *Trigger Warning chapter*. Due to the wait I have made this chapter a little longer than usual ones.

*Continues straight on from the last chapter*

I open the door, the cold air instantly hitting me as I see the figure come into view. "What are you doing here?"

"Is that really how you say hello to your best friend in the whole world!?"

I shake my head bringing myself into reality as I stare at the blonde with her arms wide open and a huge cocky grin on her face, I open my mouth to speak but no words come out just a small laugh of disbelief.

"Bring it in bitch!"

Next thing I know I am catching the slim framed blonde in my arms, mid air, as she jumps wrapping her legs around my frame squealing in the process, "Oh my god!" I try to steady myself so we don't topple over.

She bounces down taking my face in her hands.

"I can't believe you're actually here!" I beam at her my hands holding her waist as I take her in.

She lets out a mighty laugh, pulling my face towards her as she plants a sloppy kiss on my forehead "Honestly, I don't know how you've survived without must of been torture really." She shrugs.

I scrunch my face up and tilt my head "Wait...who are you again?"

She dramatically grabs her chest as if she was shot and falls into me while shouting "Oh the pain!" I catch her yet again her back falling to my front she reaches out a hand "Is that the light I see?" looking off into the distance as we delicately fall to the floor "It must be the end dear friend..."

I stop laughing and join in "I think I may remember you..." I lower my voice making it serious.

She turns her neck looking up at me and gasps in a overdramatic weak voice "Is it due to my fabulous blonde locks" she tries to flick her hair lightly.

I place my hand on her face holding back my laugh "No..."

Another dramatic "Oh" as she grabs her chest once more "have you remembered due to my amazing acting skills" she closes her eyes.

I let out a uncontainable little laugh "Definitely not."

She gasps once more, "Oh please, do tell me..."

My voice goes serious "You look like a girl I used to know."

"Ah, I bet she was amazing and beautiful..." she woes

I let out a laugh "Nah, she once farted so bad she made me throw up." I nod.

She fully opens her eyes and her mouth drops open "Wow! No need to do a girl dirty like that damn!" as she sits back up.

We both burst out laughing.

Behind us I hear someone clear their throat making themself known, both our heads snap towards the sound.

Shit, Natasha.

We both struggle to our feet "Who the fuck is that?" the blondes face now serious with an arching eyebrow.

Maple Heights Private Academy- Natasha Romanoff x female reader.Where stories live. Discover now