Twenty four

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Noor's heart held no room for hatred, even though Zaviyaar stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her. While she couldn't bring herself to despise him outright, his actions provoked an intense frustration that was dangerously close to hatred. Now realizing her mistake in the direction she had taken, Noor berated herself for her absentmindedness. Daadi's room was on the other side, a careless oversight on her part. She rapped on the door, hoping for a response, but there was only silence. Noor knocked again, waiting anxiously for five minutes, yet still, no one answered. Growing increasingly concerned, she was about to knock once more when Zaviyaar burst out of his room, dressed in a traditional black Pakistani outfit, muttering to himself in anger. His intense gaze pierced Noor's being as he glared at her, leaving without uttering a single word, a departure that was uncharacteristic of him. In that very moment, a thud echoed from Daadi's room, followed by the anguished cry of an old lady. Noor's instincts took over, propelling her into action without hesitation. She rushed inside to find an elderly woman sprawled on the floor, desperately reaching for her walking stick. With care and urgency, Noor scooped up the frail lady in her arms, helping her onto the bed, all the while enduring the barrage of accusations. "Who are you? Let me go! Don't you dare touch me, you filth!" the old woman screeched, her voice filled with fear and distrust. Maintaining her composure, Noor spoke softly, her eyes meeting Daadi's bewildered gaze. "Please, Daadi, it's Noor. I am here to care for you, to ensure your well-being. You are safe now."

Here we go again, Noor thought to herself, feeling disheartened by the lack of kindness she had encountered thus far. Except for Nazia, who seemed to be an exception. With a forced smile, she introduced herself once more. "I am Noor. Mrs. Mehnaz hired me to look after you," she reiterated, masking her true feelings behind her polite demeanor. Though she found no joy in caring for a cantankerous old lady, her compassionate nature compelled her to empathize with Daadi's situation. Seeing the elderly woman struggle to even get out of bed on her own tugged at Noor's heartstrings. There was an overwhelming sense of responsibility within her, knowing that she was the only one available to provide the assistance Daadi desperately needed. Daadi stared at Noor as if she were a puzzle to be solved. She couldn't comprehend how this noble-looking girl could possibly be the help hired to attend to her needs. In Daadi's mind, she had assumed that Noor was one of Rabail's mischievous friends attempting to play a prank on her. With a stern expression, Daadi decided to make herself clear, not wanting to waste time repeating instructions. "I see. Well, I don't like to repeat myself, so listen carefully now," she began, her tone demanding attention. "Breakfast is to be served promptly at 8 am. Medicines should be given 30 minutes afterward. Then, I go for a walk. Upon my return, I take a nap, and when I wake up, I expect lunch to be served hot. Afterward, I will watch television, have dinner, take a shower, read the Qur'an, and then sleep. Do you understand?" Daadi's words hung in the air, leaving no room for ambiguity. Noor listened attentively, absorbing every detail of Daadi's routine. She nodded, signaling her understanding, but couldn't help feeling a pang of anxiety. She hadn't even had the chance to ask Nazia about the specifics of her role, and the fear of making a mistake that would lead to her dismissal loomed over her. Noor gathered her resolve and replied, "Yes, Daadi. I understand your schedule. If I have any questions or need clarification, may I approach you?" Daadi narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing Noor's sincerity. After a moment of contemplation, she reluctantly nodded. "Yes, you may ask me if there are any questions. Just remember to follow the routine diligently and fulfill your duties without any negligence. I have little tolerance for incompetence."

"Where am I to sleep?" Noor inquired, her voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"That's your concern?!" the old woman screamed, her frustration evident in her tone. "I don't care," she added dismissively, emphasizing her disinterest in Noor's sleeping arrangements.

Noor's heart sank as she realized the true intentions behind Zaviyaar's insistence on her accepting this job. He wanted her to suffer, to endure the harsh treatment and constant challenges. Determined not to let his intentions prevail, Noor mustered her inner strength and resolved to face whatever lay ahead with grace and resilience.

"The family has gone out to a party, so they will be out late," Daadi informed Noor, her voice slightly calmer. "While I finish my prayers, you can go and fetch my dinner," she continued, outlining her expectations for the evening.

"Yes, Ma'am," Noor replied respectfully, recognizing Daadi's desire to be addressed with formal respect. However, a hint of longing and vulnerability slipped into Daadi's next words, revealing the deep-rooted loneliness she had been experiencing. "You will call me Ma'am. I am not Daadi," she clarified. Although Daadi cherished the endearing term when Noor used it, it had been far too long since one of her own grandchildren had come to see her.nNoor's compassionate nature allowed her to glimpse the pain behind Daadi's stern exterior. She understood that the absence of family love and connection had taken its toll on the old woman's heart. With empathy guiding her actions, Noor nodded gently, her voice laced with warmth and kindness. "Of course, Ma'am. I apologize for the oversight. If you ever need someone to talk to or if there's anything else I can do to make you feel more comfortable, please don't hesitate to let me know." A flicker of surprise and gratitude appeared in Daadi's eyes, momentarily softening her countenance. The genuine concern expressed by Noor stirred something within her, reminding her of the human connection she had longed for. It was a glimmer of hope in the midst of her isolated existence. She loved it when Noor called her that, it had been a while since one of her grandchildren came to see her.

Noor went in search of Nazia when she spotted Zenia struggling with her hair. The little girl's adorable presence instantly brightened Noor's day. "Hello, Zenia! Would you like me to style your hair for you?" she asked with a warm smile.

Zenia's face lit up, and she nodded eagerly. She wore a pretty baby pink gown, complete with a matching ribbon. Noor had learned various hairstyles from her friend Hira, who had a passion for fashion. With gentle and skillful hands, Noor carefully styled Zenia's hair, creating an enchanting look.

Just as she finished, she felt a tug on her arm. Her heart skipped a beat, fearing it might be Mrs. Mehnaz. However, to her immense relief, it was Nazia. "What on earth are you doing?" Nazia whispered urgently. "If Madam sees you, she'll fire you. She believes we're too 'dirty' to touch her children."

Noor silently prayed that Allah would open Mrs. Mehnaz's heart to the truth that no one is superior or inferior in His eyes. In His divine sight, all were equal. She mustered the courage to respond, "I was just doing Zenia's hair. Look how beautiful she looks. I wish I could dress up and feel as regal as she does."

"You don't need fancy clothes to look beautiful," Zaviyaar interjected, unexpectedly looking handsome in his traditional shalwar kameez. However, he quickly added, "But no matter what you do, you can never look good," masking his compliment with a hurtful comment.

Noor was initially taken aback by Zaviyaar's unexpected praise, but her hope quickly faded as he completed his sentence. Despite his harsh treatment, she couldn't deny the strange familiarity and comfort she felt whenever she looked at him. It puzzled her, as if there was a deeper connection she couldn't comprehend.

Zaviyaar, on the other hand, needed to regain control of himself. Since when did he offer compliments to women? He had encountered countless beauties in his life, but none as innocent and pure as Noor. She seemed like an angel, sent to him amidst the darkness that surrounded his world. Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly heard Daadi scream Noor's name. Noor made an adorable face in response and hurried towards Daadi's call. Something was shifting, and Zaviyaar had an inexplicable sense that things were about to change for the better. He trusted his intuition, for he was rarely wrong.

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