Fifty Four

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Noor, deep in her thoughts about Zaviyaar, suddenly felt a persistent tapping on her foot beneath the table. Startled, she looked across to find Arham, the source of the mischief, grinning mischievously. The breakfast table was full, and Noor discreetly shifted her feet to the side to avoid any potential confrontation with Arham, whose troublesome presence added an unwelcome layer to the family gathering for her.

"Noor betta, I was thinking, why don't you explore options like working, studying, or even joining the family business? Whatever you choose, consider it yours as well," Harris suggested.

"I'd love to join a university, Baba. It's a great opportunity to meet people my own age and learn new things," Noor responded.

Arham, with a smug expression, chimed in, "Will you even understand anything? You've never been to school."

Noor, feeling a bit defensive, replied, "Education isn't limited to school, Arham. I can learn and adapt. Don't underestimate me."

Harris, nodding in agreement with Noor's response, said, "Exactly, education is a lifelong journey, and Noor has the potential to excel in anything she puts her mind to."

Arham, still sceptical, muttered under his breath, "Let's see how far she goes without any proper background."

Noor, determined to prove herself, decided to take on the challenge. "I appreciate your concern, Arham. But I believe in myself, and I'm willing to learn. Education is not just about getting a degree and passing your board exams; it's about curiosity and perseverance. It's about life experiences, and besides, I bet I know more than you about everything. I have read many books in my life and have learnt a lot from my neighbour where I lived."

"Yes, my love. You are an intelligent, strong woman. Go conquer the world," Waliya interjected, offering Noor a supportive nod.

Arham harboured a desire to undermine Noor, but she proved to be resilient and unyielding. Frustrated by his failed attempts to rattle her, he contemplated escalating his efforts to a more aggressive level.

"Harris, did you share the good news with Saleem?" inquired Sairah, referring to the revelation that he had finally located his daughter.

"I want it to be a surprise for him. I asked him to visit Pakistan, but he said he couldn't break his promise. He mentioned he would only return if I found you," Harris replied, his gaze fixed on Noor.

"So, how do you plan to entice him to come here?" Waliya inquired.

"I might have to spin a little tale," Harris chuckled.

The laughter echoed through the room as Waliya teased Harris about his plan to surprise Saleem. Sairah chimed in, "You always did have a flair for drama, Harris. I hope Saleem can handle the excitement."

Harris winked at Noor, acknowledging the playful banter, and said, "Well, sometimes a little drama adds spice to life. And Saleem always loved a good surprise."

As the family shared more anecdotes and jokes, Noor couldn't help but marvel at the warmth. However, beneath the surface, the unresolved tension between her and Arham lingered, a storm waiting to disrupt the newfound harmony.

Amidst the joyous conversations, Harris's phone rang, diverting his attention. He excused himself, his expression turning serious. When he returned, the happiness that once adorned his face had been replaced by concern.

"Mama, Amma," he addressed Waliya and Sairah, "I have to rush to the hospital. It's Daniyal's brother-in-law. He's in critical condition, and Daniyal needs me."

The room hushed, and an air of worry settled over the family as they quickly realized the gravity of the situation. Harris, with a reassuring nod to Noor, left the room.

Daniyal bhai's brother in law is Zaviyaar thought Noor. Oh no no no she thought. This can't be happening. As the weight of the news settled on Noor, she couldn't fathom that Zaviyaar, her beloved, was the one in critical condition. Panic and worry tightened their grip on her as she thought about the possibility of losing him. Waliya and Sairah excused themselves to get dressed, intending to visit Haneen as Zaviyaar was her grandson. Left at the table, Noor and Arham sat in an uneasy silence.

Arham, with a malicious smirk, finally broke the silence, "Looks like your boyfriend will be dying."

Noor, angered by Arham's callous remark, shot back, "How can you say something so heartless? Zaviyaar is in critical condition, and all you can do is make insensitive comments."

Arham chuckled, unfazed by her reaction, "Well, it's not like he was ever good enough for you. You should be grateful for the chance to find someone better. Maybe now you can consider me."

"No, Arham. You're not even in the same league as Zaviyaar. I don't want to hear such heartless words from you again," Noor retorted, her eyes reflecting a mix of anger and sorrow.

"You're right. He's in a lower league than me. He's a loser." said Arham. Finally getting the satisfaction he wanted.

Noor, disgusted by Arham's callousness, retorted, "Your arrogance is unbearable. Zaviyaar has more decency in his little finger than you do in your entire being."

Arham smirked, dismissing her words, "Well, let them see. I'm not the one who's suffering. Zaviyaar was never worthy of you, and now everyone will see it."

"Every time we suffer or are even in a little bit of pain, Allah sheds our sins. Zaviyaar is worthy, and even if he doesn't make it, I will never ever be with you. I will give you some advice, be humble, and never think you're better than anyone else. From dust you are and to dust, you shall return." With those resolute words, she stormed out, leaving Arham's smugness hanging in the air.

Noor, determined to see Zaviyaar, entered Sairah Daadi's room and asked if she could accompany them.

"Of course, darling. Haneen loves you, and seeing you would give her something to smile about," Sairah warmly replied.

Waliya, puzzled by Arham's sudden departure, questioned, "What was that about? Why did he just run out?"

Sairah sighed, "Arham can be quite unpredictable. Perhaps he had some pressing matters to attend to. Don't worry, we can manage without him. Let's get going; Haneen Begum will be delighted to have you by her side."

As they headed to Haneen Begum's house, Noor couldn't shake off the worry that clouded her mind. The uncertainty about Zaviyaar's condition gnawed at her, and she clutched the edges of her dupatta anxiously, silently praying for his well-being.

Upon reaching Haneen Begum's house, Noor hesitated before entering. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on her. Sairah sensed her apprehension and gave her a reassuring smile, guiding her inside.

As they entered the room, Haneen Begum's face lit up upon seeing Noor. "Ah, my dear Noor. You bring warmth to my heart," she said, her voice feeble but filled with affection.

Noor approached her with a gentle smile, "Daadi, I hope I can bring some comfort to you."

Haneen Begum held Noor's hand, "You're like a ray of sunshine in our lives. Harris is lucky to have found you."

Waliya, Sairah, and Noor expressed heartfelt condolences for Zaviyaar's accident. As the conversation shifted to fond memories of Zaviyaar, Waliya and Sairah recalled his vibrant personality and the joy he brought to the family when they met him during the wedding festivities. Noor listened intently, her heart heavy with concern for the man she secretly called her husband.

The call to Maghrib prayer echoed through the house, a gentle reminder of the passing time. Noor excused herself, retreated to perform Wudhu, and found solace in the quiet corners of the prayer room. There, she poured her heart out to Allah, pleading for Zaviyaar's recovery and expressing the depth of her love for him, a love unknown to anyone but the Almighty. The intimate connection between her and Allah became a source of strength in the face of uncertainty.

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