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The weight of grief pressed heavily on the Chaudhary family, casting a shadow over their once vibrant lives. Happiness seemed like a distant memory as they grappled with the devastating loss of Mariam. The brothers, Saleem and Harris, faced the daunting task of arranging Mariam's final rites and providing solace to her grieving family.

Saleem's heart sank as he contemplated breaking the news to Mrs. Fatima, Mariam's mother. The thought of confessing his role in the tragic chain of events filled him with anguish and remorse. He doubted whether Mrs. Fatima would ever be able to understand or forgive him.

Harris, observing Saleem's distress, reached out to his younger brother, his voice filled with empathy and reason. "Saleem, Mrs. Fatima knows you better than anyone. She was not only Mariam's mother but also your teacher, your mentor. She understands the complexities of life and the choices we make. Have faith that she will find a way to empathize with your pain."

Saleem's face contorted with self-loathing. "How can you say that, Harris? I was the one who brought this tragedy upon our family. I robbed Mariam of her happiness, her future. I can never forgive myself."

Harris placed a comforting hand on Saleem's shoulder, his voice steady yet filled with compassion. "Saleem, we must not dwell on accusations and self-blame. Mariam's passing was destined, a path chosen by a higher power. This is not the time for self-analysis. Let us focus on the immediate task at hand. Find the nurse who assisted Mariam's doctor. Noor is in her care, and we must ensure her well-being before we proceed."

Saleem took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sorrow and determination. He understood the urgency of the situation and the need to prioritize Noor's welfare. With a renewed sense of purpose, he composed himself and set out to locate the nurse.

As Saleem made his way through the hospital corridors, his mind swirled with conflicting emotions. Guilt, regret, and sorrow intertwined, threatening to overwhelm him. But he clung to a glimmer of hope, believing that by protecting Noor and honoring Mariam's memory, he could find redemption in the darkness that had consumed his soul. Harris felt a surge of frustration and helplessness as he struggled to arrange transportation for their journey to Gujrat. The thought of spending another night in the hospital, surrounded by the weight of grief, was unbearable. All he wanted was to retreat to the solace of his home, where he could find a moment of respite in the darkness. Impatience gnawed at him as he wondered why Saleem was taking so long. He decided to search for his brother, his steps quickening as he navigated through the labyrinthine halls of the infirmary. Finally, he spotted Saleem, his face etched with worry, moving about in a state of panic. "Saleem! I entrusted you with one task, and you couldn't even handle it properly. Where is Noor?" Harris exclaimed, his frustration seeping into his words. Saleem's eyes widened, reflecting his own dismay. "Everyone said the nurse had left Noor in the cot at the waiting lounge, but she's not there. I don't know where she could be." A surge of anxiety washed over Harris. The thought of their precious child missing only added to the weight of their already unbearable loss. He tried to steady himself, taking a deep breath to quell his racing thoughts.

"Alright, let's try to stay calm. Focus on arranging transportation and a casket for Mariam's body. I'll go and search for Noor," Harris said, his voice tinged with both determination and concern. Self-criticism gnawed at Saleem's conscience. He berated himself for his lapse in judgment, realizing that in his grief-stricken state, he had entrusted his child to a stranger without due consideration. The death of his beloved ex-wife had clouded his judgment, and now they were facing the consequences. Harris approached a doctor, desperately seeking answers about Noor's whereabouts. "Excuse me, Doctor. We had a baby girl with us, and now we can't seem to find her. Do you have any idea where she might be?"

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