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Three hours and thirteen minutes had passed, and there was still no sign of the baby girl. The sense of irony wasn't lost on Harris as he pondered over the situation. Ever since her birth, Noor had been a restless soul, always on the move, as if fate itself had decided that she wouldn't stay in one place for long. But now, the absence of the child had sparked concern and confusion. What was Mrs. Fatima whining about? Could she possibly be behind Noor's abduction?

Harris's mind raced with thoughts and worries. He knew he had to take immediate action. But revealing the truth to Saleem and the rest of the family was out of the question for now. He felt a pang of guilt for what he was about to do, but he couldn't delay any longer. He had to find Noor and bring her back safely.

Crafting a plausible excuse in his mind, Harris decided to tell Saleem and the family that he was taking Noor to the clinic for her regular check-up. It was a ruse, a necessary lie to buy himself time to investigate her disappearance without causing panic or suspicion among his loved ones.

Taking a deep breath, Harris put on a composed facade as he approached Saleem and said, "Saleem bhai, I need to take Noor to the clinic for her routine check-up. It shouldn't take too long, but I'll keep you updated."

Saleem, unaware of the turmoil within Harris, nodded and replied, "Of course, Harris. Take good care of her, and let us know if there's anything we can do."

With a heavy heart masked by a forced smile, Harris left the house, determined to uncover the truth behind Noor's sudden disappearance. The weight of responsibility and guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders as he embarked on a quest to bring the innocent child back to her rightful home, where she belonged.

Harris parked his car at the curb, realizing that the narrow street ahead was impassable for his vehicle. Leaving the car behind, he continued on foot towards Mariam's house, his mind consumed with worry and fear. The thought of not being able to find the only remaining connection to his once-beloved wife sent a wave of despair through him. The future seemed bleak, and the mere idea of living another day without both his wife and child was unbearable. As he walked through the neighborhood, the grim reality of the surroundings struck him. The area was dilapidated, lacking proper infrastructure and basic amenities. The stench of unattended garbage cans filled with dead animals lingered in the air, while swarms of flies buzzed around, adding to the unhygienic environment. This was no place for Noor, his precious child, to be raised. Determination grew within him to find her and ensure her safety. Reaching Mariam's house, Harris knocked on the door, but it only budged slightly, indicating that something was amiss. Without hesitation, he pushed the gate open and stepped inside. The atmosphere felt heavy with an eerie sense of unease. The room was engulfed in darkness, and there was no sign of anyone's presence. It was perplexing. Just a couple of hours ago, he had spoken to Ms. Fatima, and now she had vanished without a trace. A surge of urgency compelled Harris to swiftly return to his vehicle. His heart pounded in his chest as he sped off in search of the woman who might have cunningly taken his child from him. Every passing moment intensified his determination to unravel the truth and bring Noor back to the safety and love she deserved. The quest to find the woman responsible for this distressing situation consumed his thoughts, fueling him with the relentless pursuit to reclaim his daughter.

Fatima held her grandchild tightly, a mix of satisfaction and unease washing over her. The successful execution of her plan had granted her what she desired most – the presence of Noor in her arms. However, the lingering thought of what Jaffar would demand in return for their deal sent shivers down her spine. Yet, she decided to set aside those concerns for the time being, focusing on the immediate task at hand.

As Fatima ended her call with Harris, Jaffar's men entered the room, carefully carrying the toddler in their arms. Their presence reminded her of the precarious situation she had willingly plunged herself into. It was clear that staying behind was no longer safe, given the magnitude of what she had done. Jaffar, though an unlikely ally, had shown a surprising level of benevolence by allowing her to seek refuge in one of his huts. However, this gesture came with its own implications, ones that she couldn't ignore.

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