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Eight nappy changes, five stops, and three hours later, they finally arrived in Gujrat, a city steeped in ancient history in the heart of Punjab province. Nestled along the banks of the Chenab River, one of the five mighty rivers that flow through the country, Gujrat thrived as an agricultural hub. Its fertile lands and exceptional irrigation systems made it a breadbasket for the region, with agriculture serving as the mainstay of its economy.

As they settled in, Saleem couldn't contain his enthusiasm. Turning to Harris, he asked, "Do you know the captivating history of our city, Harris?"

Harris sighed, his eyes focused on the present. "I've always believed in looking ahead, Saleem. Dwelling on the past won't change anything, and it won't impact our lives now."

Saleem grinned, eager to share his knowledge. "But Harris, understanding the past helps us appreciate the present and shape our future. Let me tell you about Gujrat's intriguing beginnings. It was Emperor Akbar, the great Mughal ruler, who founded this city. In those days, local tribes used to profit from looting unsuspecting travelers along the highways. To put an end to this menace, Akbar resettled these tribes in this very area and named it Gujrat."

Harris's curiosity flickered, and he leaned in to listen. "I suppose there's more to this story than I initially thought."

Saleem continued, his voice animated with excitement. "Absolutely! Gujrat's foundation marked a turning point for those tribes. From lawless bandits, they transformed into settled communities, finding new purpose and identity within the city's boundaries. Over time, Gujrat evolved into a vibrant center of culture, trade, and agriculture."

Harris's eyes wandered across the city's landscape, taking in the sights and sounds. The bustling markets, the vibrant colors, and the hardworking people painted a picture of a city thriving with life. Saleem pointed out landmarks as they strolled through the streets, offering tidbits of history along the way.

"Look at that architectural marvel over there," Saleem said, pointing to a majestic structure. "It's the Gujrat fort was constructed by Mughal Emperor Jalal ul Din Muhammad Akbar in 1596-97. It stands as a testament to the rich heritage of our city."

Harris found himself getting drawn into the stories and the connection between the past and present. He realized that by understanding the history of Gujrat, he could develop a deeper appreciation for the city and its people.

"You know, Saleem," Harris said thoughtfully, "perhaps there is value in learning about our city's past. It not only helps us understand how Gujrat came to be but also gives us a sense of belonging and pride."

Saleem beamed, thrilled to see Harris embracing the notion. "Exactly, Harris! Our roots ground us, and the history of Gujrat shapes our identity. It's a tapestry woven with stories of triumphs, struggles, and the resilience of its people."

Their journey through Gujrat became more than just a physical exploration; it became a journey of discovering their own heritage and connection to the city. As they delved deeper into its history, Harris and Saleem developed a newfound appreciation for the city that nurtured them.

Gujrat's past became a living tapestry that unfolded before their eyes, weaving together the threads of the ancient and the modern, the past and the present. It was a realization that while they couldn't change what had already transpired, they could honor their city's history by embracing its legacy and forging their own path forward.

"Oh! Look at that, home sweet home, I would love to get to the bottom of the barrel of your story and it mournfully distresses me to part this way, but I have got no other choice, Amma and Abba are anticipating our arrival, can't keep them hanging around all day."

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