Twenty Nine

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Zaaviyaar didn't know what came over him. Why was he behaving this way? Why did he want her to listen to him so badly? It's not like the women around him did ever listen to him, so why did he want her to do that for him? He never expected a good girl like her to refuse him. He was handsome, rich, and willing to go out with her. Why was she being so stubborn? He grabbed her hand again, gently and asked her to go with him. "What's your problem?" She shouted. "Don't you have any respect for women? Who gave you the right to touch me? Who gave you the right to command me? I am not your servant, I am Daadis servant. So, who gave you the right to treat me this way? Servants are humans, too, you know. We have feelings, and we have respect. I have never touched a man in my life, other than my uncle, who is my blood. My whole life, I have been treated like dirt by him, so I will not have you do the same. I am not that kind of woman. So, don't you dare touch me again without my permission. Okay?"

It was like a slap on the face. It angered him again. He was so gentle, and she was so ungrateful. These goody religious people are never good. There were women, desperate for his touch, desperate for his attention, and there was Noor, pure, beautiful Noor, who was disgusted by his touch, but why? What was such a big deal? It's not like I did anything wrong. "Why are you shouting at me? You want me to tell my mother?"

"Go ahead, tell her. I will tell Allah, how a man touched me when I didn't want to be. How he disrespected me. I'm not scared of your mother when I have Allah by my side. I have escaped my evil uncle. Thanks to His blessing, then who are you?"

He saw the fire and bravery in her eyes and knew she was telling the truth, her love for Allah truly moved him. How could someone love Allah despite so many difficulties in life. How did she find so much hope despite everything? He wanted to know. He wanted to learn. But he didn't know how to ask. Would she help him? Or would she mock him?

"Ummm, I have to go." Zaaviyaar needed to be away from her. Noor saw him drive away on his bike. "Oh Allah, protect him. I know he's lost right now, but please guide him on the right path." Despite everything, she knew in her that Zaaviyaar would never hurt her. He would never cross any lines. He was this way because of his life experiences. She saw Daadis guests leaving and went to say goodbye. "Please come visit us next time, Haneen, and bring Noor along with you. We would love to have her company. She's such a sweet girl." said Waliya, "she sure is, " agreed Sairah. After they left, Waliya told Sairah how she thought Noor resembled Mariam, and Sairah said she had similar thoughts. Maybe they were losing their mind after so much loss that they were seeing Noor ul ain in every girl.

Mehnaz observed the bustling party, her mind preoccupied with finding suitable suitors for both her son and daughter. As a mother, she wanted the best for her children, and Rabail's beauty deserved nothing less. She approached her husband, seeking his opinion on Alyan Sikander, only to be met with a lukewarm response. Concerned, Mehnaz began searching for Rabail in the crowd, wondering where she could have disappeared to.

She called her daughter, her voice filled with worry, "Rabail, where are you? Did you leave the party?"

"Mama, I'm at a nearby restaurant with some friends. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

Rabail's excitement was palpable as she eagerly awaited their first meeting. Ever since her friend had introduced her to Daniyal online due to his exceptional math skills, she had developed an affinity for him. Although they had engaged in video calls, the anticipation of finally meeting face-to-face heightened her anticipation. Sitting alone at the café they had agreed upon, she received a text from Daniyal informing her of his delay. Nevertheless, Rabail didn't mind, as long as she got the chance to see him. Ordering a coffee to pass the time, Rabail's eyes lit up as a tall, handsome man entered the café. Overwhelmed with joy, she exclaimed, "Daniyal, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Her happiness was evident as she expressed her delight at their long-awaited meeting. Danyal, too, reciprocated her enthusiasm, apologizing for his tardiness due to an obligation to a person named Harris, whom he owed a debt of gratitude. Rabail, captivated by his presence, paid no mind to the delay and simplyrevelledd in his company. In a moment of vulnerability, Daniyal confessed his feelings for her. "I really like you, Rabail, as you already know. Instead of wasting time, I believe we should get married. I would love to meet your parents. While I don't have any close family, Harris will represent me. If that's alright with you." Rabail, genuinelyenamouredd by Daniyal's sincerity, replied, "Daniyal, I have no objection, but convincing my mother won't be easy. She has always wanted me to marry into a wealthy family, believing that money equates to happiness, without considering my own well-being." Reassuringly, Daniyal responded, "Don't worry, Rabail. We will find a way to convince her. I will stand by your side through it all. Why don't we order something to eat? Let's enjoy this moment together." A smile of genuine warmth adorned Rabail's face. Daniyal was not only a kind-hearted and caring man but also someone who understood and accepted her circumstances. It was clear that their connection went beyond superficiality, and Rabail felt a sense of contentment in his presence.

Meanwhile, Zaaviyaar found himself at a friend's house, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. In his intoxicated state, Noor's tear-filled eyes haunted him, causing immense guilt and regret to consume him. He couldn't understand why he was so fixated on her, a mere servant girl. The allure of other women had always enticed him, but Noor's presence had ignited a longing within him that he couldn't ignore. Whenever Noor was near, the atmosphere shifted, and Zaaviyaar's attention became solely focused on her. Her bashful nature, her reluctance to meet his gaze-qualities he had never sought before-captivated him. It made him question whether what he felt was love or simply a desire for a challenge. Despite her reservations towards him, Zaaviyaar felt an unexplainable attraction, an urge to fight against all odds to be with her. Determined to change, Zaaviyaar vowed to himself that he would make amends and win Noor's heart. He was willing to do whatever it took to rectify his past mistakes and become a better man for her. No matter the obstacles that lay ahead, Zaaviyaar was determined to overcome them and prove his sincerity to the woman who had unexpectedly captured his heart.

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