Thirty Two

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Khalifa was consumed by desperation as Mr. Adil relentlessly pursued him. Having taken the advance payment for selling Noor to Adil, Khalifa now found himself in a dire situation. Noor had escaped, and he had squandered most of the money. The threat of Adil's vengeance loomed over him, driving him to the edge.

Clutching the card in his trembling hand, Khalifa read the name engraved upon it: "Daniyal Shah Sikander." Daniyal had offered his assistance, but doubts plagued Khalifa's mind. What if Daniyal discovered his nefarious past? Would he turn him over to the authorities? It was a risky proposition, a gamble with potentially dire consequences.

Yet, Khalifa found himself with no other choice. The looming deadline for delivering the money to Adil pushed him to the brink. If he failed, he knew Adil would show no mercy, resorting to violence and disposing of him like garbage. Bitterness seeped into his thoughts as he blamed Noor, labelling her as a despicable girl. If only she hadn't escaped that fateful day, Khalifa would still possess his intact hand and the wealth it had promised. He hated her with all his might, and if he ever found her, she was as good as dead. In that moment of desperation, Khalifa mustered the courage to make a life-alteringdecision. He took a deep breath and dialled the number on the card, hoping against hope that Daniyal would offer a glimmer of salvation.
As the phone rang, Khalifa's heart pounded in his chest, his mind plagued by uncertainty. Would this call be his downfall or his redemption?

After a few tense moments, a voice finally answered on the other end. It was Daniyal, his tone polite and composed. Khalifa struggled to maintain his composure, his voice betraying a hint of desperation as he spoke.

"Mr. Daniyal, it's Khalifa. The guy who you gave your card to at the airport," he began, his words laced with a mixture of anxiety and calculated deceit. "I find myself in a rather precarious situation, and I was hoping you could assist me as you promised."

Daniyal listened intently, sensing Khalifa's desperation. Though unaware of Khalifa's true intentions and dark past, he believed in offering a helping hand to those in need. "Of course, Khalifa," Daniyal responded, his voice filled with empathy. "Tell me what troubles you, and I'll do my best to assist."

Emboldened by Daniyal's willingness to listen, Khalifa carefully crafted his tale of woe, exaggerating his hardships and painting himself as a victim of circumstance. He left out the part about selling Noor and the misdeeds that led him down this treacherous path. Daniyal, driven by his compassionate nature, sympathized with Khalifa. He offered his support and reassured him that they would find a solution together. What Daniyal didn't know was that he was unknowingly extending a helping hand to the very person responsible for Noor's suffering. The very person who had kept her in isolation for years. The very person who abused and tortured her.

"Sir, I am in desperate need of a job and a place to stay in this city," Khalifa pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "I come from a faraway place, and I have nowhere to go except the streets. Please, Sahab jee, I beg you for help. I am willing to work as a household staff member or a janitor in any company. Just please, I beg you, help me!"

Daniyal listened intently, his heart stirred by Khalifa's plea for assistance. He understood the gravity of the situation and wanted to extend a helping hand. "Sure, let's meet at Gloria Jeans in Bahria Town. I will do my best to see what I can do for you," he replied, his voice carrying empathy.

"Shukria, Sahab jee, thank you," Khalifa expressed his gratitude before hanging up the phone. As he ended the call, a devious smile curled upon Khalifa's lips. He had successfully deceived Daniyal, drawing him into his web of manipulation. Khalifa saw this as an opportunity to exploit Daniyal's kindness for his own selfish gains, his mind oblivious to the repercussions that awaited him.

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