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Present day, 1991, Islamabad, Pakistan

Saleem and Mariam sat at the hospital bed, discussing their plans to find employment abroad. Saleem was feeling frustrated with the job applications, and Mariam was worried about their family's future. "I am trying to find employment abroad, but no luck up till now. Their demands are impossible to meet, as soon as one document is completed they give another, and it frustrates me," Saleem complained to his wife. "Well then let's go home and pack our bags, we are leaving for Australia in the morning. We will have to be quick and discreet about it," Mariam suggested. Saleem roared with laughter and asked, "Australia? Are you suddenly their new appointed president that they're welcoming you with open hands?" "While you were busy procrastinating and being a lazy bum, I applied for a few jobs myself. It's not much to get by with as my salary won't cover our expenses, but for Noor, I could travel across the globe and not rest until I find a place secure enough for her," Mariam replied, determined to provide a better life for their daughter. Saleem felt angry but couldn't show it. He knew that Mariam was right, and they needed to make a move or else all his plans would be ruined. However, he couldn't bear the thought of leaving his beloved homeland and his loved ones behind. He couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in his heart. Mariam put her hand on Saleem's shoulder and said, "I know it won't be easy, but sometimes we have to make tough choices to secure a better future for our family. We can always stay connected with our loved ones through technology, and we can introduce Noor to new cultures and traditions." Saleem nodded in agreement, feeling a mix of emotions. He was excited about the prospect of starting a new life, but at the same time, he was apprehensive about the challenges they would face. He knew that finding employment and settling in a new country wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to do whatever it takes to provide a better life for his family. Mariam could sense Saleem's apprehension and hugged him, "It's okay to be scared, but we have each other, and we'll make it work." Saleem smiled and hugged Mariam back, feeling grateful to have such a supportive and loving partner by his side. He knew that together, they could overcome any obstacle and build a better life for their family but he still didn't want to go abroad and suffer after all the sacrifices he made. So he tried convincing her to stay. 

"Mariam, do you believe in Allah?"

"What are you implying? Of course, I do believe in Him wholeheartedly."

"In that case, stay here in Pakistan and have faith in Him. If it's our destiny to die, we'll take our last breath on the aircraft to Australia."

"You're being extreme. Are you trying to use Allah to manipulate me into staying here? Islam doesn't teach us to sit idly and wait for a miracle to happen. We must work towards our goals and ask for His guidance and support. If you don't want to join me, it's alright. I'll leave by dawn tomorrow."

"Alright, we'll do as you wish, my love," he said through clenched teeth. However, Mariam was too focused on Noor to notice her husband's annoyance at her decision. If only he could go back to Lahore and spend time with his Amma jaan, eating parathas until he couldn't eat anymore. He missed those days terribly. It was already past 2:15, and the nurse had yet to give them the discharge papers. Saleem loathed staying at the hospital, every moment felt like an eternity. He went to check the delay and saw a commotion outside. A group of people gathered around a man on a stretcher, his body covered in blood. Saleem recognized him but wasn't sure due to the blood. He said a prayer for the man and went to find the nurse.

"Excuse me, Nurse Tasneem? When will my wife's discharge papers be ready? We need to leave urgently."

"They're almost finished, Sir. I'll be with you in five minutes."

Finally, after spending a long and grueling week at the hospital, Saleem felt an overwhelming sense of relief as he stepped outside into the warm and inviting sunshine that Islamabad had to offer. The sky was a stunning shade of blue, with not a single cloud in sight, and a gentle breeze was blowing through the trees, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The weather was absolutely perfect, and it was the first time in a long while that Saleem had felt truly content. However, Mariam was not as fortunate. Despite the beautiful weather, she was too tense and anxious to appreciate the beauty around her. Her mind was preoccupied with worries about their impending move to Australia and the challenges that lay ahead. She was afraid of the unknown, and the thought of leaving her homeland and starting afresh in a foreign country filled her with fear and uncertainty.

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