Thirty Four

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"No problem. Listen, I know I can be a bit overbearing at times, but please understand that even if I may dislike you at certain moments, I will always stand by your side." Zaviyaar poured his heart and soul out to this woman, bewildered by the depth of his emotions.

"I will remember that. Also, the Chaudhary family is absolutely wonderful. Uncle Harris even gave me his number in case I ever need assistance. Sairah and Waliya Daadi are incredibly adorable and kind-hearted, and Daniyal bhai is such a genuinely nice person," Noor shared like an excited little woman.

Zaviyaar's grip on the steering wheel tightened as Daniyal's name was mentioned. Why was he feeling jealous? After all, Noor had simply referred to him as 'bhai' (brother). However, Zaviyaar had his reservations when it came to men and couldn't bring himself to trust any of them with Noor. "Stay away from Daniyal," he demanded.

"Why?" Noor inquired.

"I don't like him. He seems too friendly towards you," Zaviyaar replied curtly.

"I like him. He's a kind-hearted man. I've never had such kind men in my life," Noor defended her position.

Zaviyaar struck the steering wheel in frustration and exclaimed, "Damn it, Noor! Just keep your distance, okay? He's not your blood relative."

"You're not my blood relative either. Should I keep my distance from you then?" Noor challenged.

Zaviyaar's frustration grew, his knuckles turning white as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He understood Noor's point, but the thought of losing her trust gnawed at him.

"Listen, Noor, I'm not like Daniyal. I'm... different. Our connection is unique, and you know that," Zaviyaar replied, his voice tinged with a mix of exasperation and vulnerability. "I'm just trying to protect you."

Noor's eyes softened, her gaze meeting Zaviyaar's intense stare. "I appreciate your concern, Zaviyaar. But I can take care of myself. Daniyal has shown me nothing but kindness, and I won't let your insecurities affect my bond with him."

Zaviyaar couldn't argue with her. He realized he had no grounds to command her. After all, she held no significant place in his life. Instead, he should try to approach her with more gentleness and care. This woman seemed to have endured a difficult life, so he wanted to create some positive and joyful memories for her.

"Noorie, have you ever tried Afghani fries?" Zaviyaar asked.

"Afghani fries?" Noor's eyes sparkled with excitement. "No, I haven't."

"Alright, let me get some for you. They're topped with a delicious green chutney and masala. You're going to love them," Zaviyaar said, a hint of enthusiasm in his voice.

He guided her towards the bustling commercial market in Pindi. The streets were filled with numerous food stalls and vibrant markets. The air was alive, with vendors shouting out prices and enticing customers. Noor eagerly absorbed every detail, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere.
As they strolled through the market, Zaviyaar carefully observed Noor's expressions, thrilled to witness her genuine excitement. He couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility towards her happiness, as if he had taken it upon himself to bring a little joy into her life. They approached a small food stall with a lively chef skillfully tossing fries in a sizzling pan. The aroma of spices filled the air, whetting their appetites. Zaviyaar ordered a plate of piping hot Afghani fries, specifically instructing the chef to make them extra flavorful.

"Bhai, add more masala." Zaviyaar said.

As they waited for their order, Zaviyaar and Noor engaged in lighthearted conversation. They shared stories, laughed, and discovered common interests. Zaviyaar realized that underneath his protective and sometimes gruff exterior, he genuinely enjoyed Noor's company. There was a connection forming between them—a connection he couldn't quite explain. Finally, their plate of Afghani fries arrived, adorned with a vibrant green chutney and sprinkled with a tantalizing masala. Zaviyaar handed a forkful of fries to Noor, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Noor took a bite, her face lighting up with delight."These are amazing!" Noor exclaimed, savouring the burst of flavours in her mouth. "Thank you, Zaviyaar. This is such a wonderful experience."

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