Thirty Nine

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Daniyal and Rabail stood together, now married, in front of their families. They couldn't believe that this moment had finally come true. Daniyal wanted to make their first moments special, so he had quietly told his servant Khalifa a while ago, "Can you please decorate our room nicely? I want Rabail to feel happy and surprised."

Khalifa's face twisted into a frustrated smile, his thoughts taking a darker turn. "Of course, Sahib. I'll make sure everything is perfect for the newlyweds." He had to cover his face the entirety of the wedding function to avoid Harris and his family.

On the other side, Rabail hugged her parents and siblings tightly. Her parents' eyes were teary, and even her younger sister Zenia didn't want her to leave. Zenia clung to her hand, saying, "Please stay with me, Rabail. Please don't go."

Rabail smiled, wiping away Zenia's tears. "I'll visit you often, and we can talk every day, okay?"

Zaviyaar watched from a distance. He might not show his emotions much, but his love for his sister was clear in his eyes. Before Rabail could leave, Zaviyaar approached Daniyal with a serious look. "Take care of my sister, okay? She's wonderful. If you hurt her, you'll have to answer to me."

Daniyal met Zaviyaar's gaze and nodded. "I promise I'll make her happy. You don't have to worry." With a firm nod, Zaviyaar showed his approval. He was looking out for his sister, just like he always did.

With only the walima left for tomorrow, the wedding festivities were winding down. Noor, still dressed up, was in the kitchen preparing turmeric milk for Daadi, who was tired after all the celebrations. Just then, Zaviyaar walked in with a cigarette.

Noor's concern for his health prompted her to speak up, "You know, smoking really isn't good for your health."

Zaviyaar raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, really? Meri jaan, I had absolutely no clue about that groundbreaking information. Thank you for telling me, little woman."

"No need for the sarcasm," Noor shot back. "And I'm not your 'jaan.' I'm not a 'little woman' either! Stay on topic! You really should quit smoking."

Zaviyaar took a deliberate drag from his cigarette, exhaling a plume of smoke. "Too bad. If you were my 'jaan' and if you were a 'little woman,' I might have considered quitting. But since you mean nothing to me, why should I pay any heed to your advice?"

Noor's cheeks flushed a faint pink, caught off guard by his playful words.

Noor rolled her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous. Smoking's bad for everyone."

Zaviyaar's eyes sparkled mischievously. "So, you do care about my health?"

Noor crossed her arms. "I care about everyone's health. Now, put that cigarette out."

Zaviyaar took another puff and then stubbed it out. "Alright, you win, little health inspector." Zaviyaar had never put out a cigarette for anyone in his life. But this woman made him want to be better.

Noor sighed in exasperation. "You're impossible."

Zaviyaar grinned. "You know you like it."

Noor shook her head, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "You really are something else, Zaviyaar."

Zaviyaar leaned against the counter, looking at her intently. "And what do you think I am?"

"A bad boy," Noor replied with a playful smirk.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on. I can't be that bad."

She glanced at him, her eyes twinkling. "Well, you did just admit to not caring about your health by smoking."

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