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3 years ago, 1988 Lahore

The ambiance of Mariam's apartment exuded a sense of comfort and serenity, captivating Sarah's heart. Having lived in countless houses before, she had never experienced the tranquility and security that enveloped this place.

"Dinner was absolutely exquisite; my mouth watered the moment I laid eyes on those strawberries. Fresh, crimson berries adorned with a generous heap of chocolate. And that homemade pizza, it was a delightful departure from the usual desi cuisine. Every dish carried a tantalizing aroma that beckoned me to savor every bite. I couldn't resist the sheer delight that flooded my senses as I indulged in the meal," Sarah expressed her appreciation for the host, her admiration shining through with each word.

Harris couldn't resist chiming in, eager to claim his share of credit. "Don't give her all the commendation, Auntie. I was her faithful assistant, advising her every step of the way. Some of the credit goes to me as well."

Amidst laughter, Mariam playfully responded, "You're such a mischievous and playful young man, always teasing your gullible wife." The bond between Harris and Mariam was evident, evoking fond memories of Sarah's own joyous moments with her husband and child. Yet, not a day went by without Sarah's heart being filled with thoughts of her own little boy. Was he married? Was he still alive? Did he despise her for what she had done? She knew deep down that he must harbor resentment for the painful choice she had made, not realizing it was done out of love and sacrifice to protect him.

"Gullible? Oh, please, Auntie. This innocent act of hers is just a façade that hides her inner demons," Harris chuckled, thoroughly amused by his own witty remark. He received a glare from his wife, but the priceless expression on her face made it all worthwhile.

Interrupting the lighthearted banter, Mariam shifted the conversation towards Sarah's family. Knowing that Sarah usually evaded questions about her relatives, claiming she didn't know their whereabouts or couldn't reach them, piqued Harris's curiosity. His attention was now fully captured, and he eagerly awaited the elderly woman's response, sensing that there might be more to the story than meets the eye.

"Mariam, in all honesty, I wish I never encounter them, for their own betterment, I can fend for myself when I am alone but I am not strong enough to protect my family." She wept into her hands, and quickly recollected her demeanour and continued, "I was very young when I fell in love, I was a spoilt brat, who was used to getting her way. The man who stole my heart wasn't settled as of yet so my family rejected his proposal, we decided to elope. Life was going great, he used to slog all day in the farms and I shaped pots, stitched clothes, anything that would give me money, the task didn't matter. My brothers didn't approve of what I had done and swore to kill us if he ever laid sight on any of us."

Mariam studied Harris, he had tears in his eyes and saw the woman like she was a diamond in a coal mine, it was as if someone had splashed cold water on his face infinite times, he couldn't swallow her words. Was it really her? Maybe it was just a coincidence.

"I didn't want to abandon them, but my brother had got hold of our location and threatened me, he gave me two choices, either go back with him without my husband and son, where my faith would be decided by my elders or stay and watch my loved ones get slaughtered before my eyes, followed by me."

"Aunty, I am so sorry, you don't have to endure this all over again." Mariam pitied her, even if she was whom she thought she was, she had her reasons.

"No, my child, I have never narrated this to a single soul, let me get this off my chest." She wiped off her tears, while Harris ran and got her a glass of water, he felt connected to her on so many levels at that moment, he wasn't sure of her identity as of yet but after all that she had gone through he couldn't put her in added agony.

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