Thirty Three

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"Aghhhhhh, stop this now!" Mehnaz's scream echoed through the air as she grabbed Noor forcefully by the hand and dragged her towards the main gate. The cold, dark night was approaching, and the thought of leaving Noor alone in such a vulnerable state sent shivers down everyone's spines.

Zaviyaar couldn't believe what he was witnessing. His mother had crossed all boundaries of decency and compassion. In that moment, he realized that he couldn't stand idly by and allow this injustice to unfold. With a surge of courage, he stepped forward and confronted Mehnaz.

"Mama, have you completely lost your mind?" Zaviyaar's voice trembled with a mix of anger and concern. "What if someone did this to Rabail or Zenia? Noor is a woman, and it is our responsibility to protect her. We can't just throw her out into the streets like this. Don't do this."

Noor stood frozen, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and gratitude. She had never expected Zaviyaar, the person she believed to be the epitome of rebellion and indifference, the person she called a 'villain' to stand up for her. In that moment, her perception of him began to shift again, and she realized that beneath his tough exterior, he possessed a compassionate heart. He confused her so much.

Mehnaz, fueled by her own rage, retaliated with a sinister threat. "Zaviyaar, if you dare to defy me, I will resort to drastic measures. I will overdose myself again!" Her words hung in the air, carrying the weight of a desperate plea. Zaviyaar knew all too well the depths of his mother's anguish, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her, even in the midst of her cruelty. She had tried before as well to commit suicide only because her wishes were defied. That's how cruel she was. Ibrahim, Zaviyaars father, was too cowardly of a man to stand up against his wife.

Zaviyaar's gaze met Noor's, and in that moment, they were speaking through their eyes. He wished he could shield her from the harsh realities of the world, to wrap his arms around her and provide her the happiness she deserved. The silence was broken as Zaviyaar spoke, his voice filled with resignation. "Fine, Mama. If sparing Noor means protecting you, then so be it. But remember, one day, I will ensure that she receives the happiness and respect she deserves. Noor, I'm sorry for this injustice. Please stay strong." As soon as these words left his mouth, Mehnaz knew she had to get rid of this girl, or she would take her children away from her. 

Noor, touched by Zaviyaar's words, nodded silently, her eyes reflecting both gratitude and a glimmer of hope. As Noor stood outside the gates, enveloped by the darkness of the night, a surge of emotions washed over her. She spoke to Allah because she knew only He could help her in this difficult time, "Ya Allah, Please guide Madam Mehnaz, I don't know why she thinks I'm after her family. I'm just here to do my job and have a roof over my head. I have endured so much suffering that this punishment seems nothing compared to all that pain. Please help me, Allah, and protect me through this night." She knew Allah would help her, He always did.

Inside the house, Zaviyaar couldn't shake off the overwhelming guilt that gnawed at him. He knew he had to find a way to help Noor, to bring her back to safety. With a determined resolve, he turned to Daadi, who had been silently observing the distressing turn of events.

"Daadi, we can't leave Noor out there alone. We have to find a solution, and we have to find it quickly," Zaviyaar pleaded, his voice laced with urgency.

Daadi, her heart heavy with concern for Noor, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Zaviyaar. We can't let her face the dangers of the night alone. Let's come up with a plan to bring her back safely."

Together, they hatched a scheme. Zaviyaar would distract Mehnaz while Daadi discreetly got help from their loyal family driver, Rahim Bhai. Rahim Bhai had been with the family for decades and shared a deep bond of loyalty and affection with Daadi.

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