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"You will now be living with Mr. Adil," Uncle Khalifa declared, his voice laced with false affection as he patted Noor's head. The touch sent shivers down her spine, a bitter reminder of the abuse she had endured at his hands. "I will be out of the country for a while, and it wouldn't be safe for you to stay home alone. So, I asked my friend here to look after you for a few months."

"Mamu jee," Noor pleaded, her voice trembling, "I would rather stay with Hira. She's been my friend since childhood, and I don't want to leave Gujrat. Please understand."

Khalifa's eyes narrowed, anger seeping through his facade of concern. He gripped her arm tightly, causing her to wince in pain. "How dare you question my decisions!" he spat, his tone venomous. "You have no say in this matter. Adil sahib will provide for all your needs and desires. You'll live in a luxurious home, taste exquisite cuisines, and have everything you've ever dreamt of. Consider it a rare opportunity, a chance to indulge yourself."

Noor mustered her courage, her voice steady despite the fear coursing through her veins. "I appreciate your intentions, Mamu jee, but my happiness and well-being matter to me more than material comforts. I want to be in a place where I feel safe, where I can choose my own path. Please respect my wishes."

Khalifa's face twisted with fury, his eyes burning with rage. The atmosphere grew heavy with tension, but Noor stood her ground, refusing to let his intimidation break her spirit. She knew the risks she was taking, but she couldn't bear to be trapped in another abusive situation. She had to fight for her freedom, even if it meant challenging the very person who should have protected her.

"Yes, dear, you won't have to worry about anything with me," Adil intervened, attempting to comfort Noor by holding her hand and patting it repeatedly. However, Noor pulled her hand away with a force that sent her gol gappas flying to the ground, their once crispy shells now crushed and left as a feast for the ants.

Tears welled up in Noor's eyes as she struggled to speak. Throughout her life, she had endured physical and mental torture, but she had never felt so helpless and afraid as she did in that moment. Her uncle's words offered false promises of safety and comfort, but she knew deep down that she couldn't trust him.

"Trust?" Noor murmured, her voice quivering. "I don't even know what that word means anymore. Time and time again, I placed my faith in my uncle, hoping he would change, but he only broke me further each time. I have to find a way to escape this situation without being noticed. Even living on the streets would be a thousand times better than staying with this slimeball in a mansion."

Summoning her courage, Noor mustered a composed demeanor and spoke up. "Jee Mamu, I would be happy to stay with Mr. Adil. But before we proceed, could you please help me find a restroom? It's urgent," she said, her cheeks burning with embarrassment at having to make such a request.

Adil, sensing the tension, intervened. "Why don't you go wait in the car, Adil? I need to accompany Noor to the washroom. I have a flight to catch, so I should take my leave," Khalifa suggested in a hushed tone, afraid that Noor might connect the dots and attempt to escape.

As they approached the restroom, a man approached them and demanded money for its use. Khalifa's anger flared, and he forcefully pushed the man aside, propelling Noor toward the uninviting stalls. The stench overwhelmed her senses, but there was no time for hesitation. She had to act swiftly. She scoured the area for an opportunity to slip away unnoticed, but the odds seemed stacked against her. It felt like an impossible task.

Just as despair started to settle in, Noor noticed a lady in a burqa nearby. Desperate for a way out, she mustered the courage to approach her with a plea. "Aunty, can I please borrow your abaya? It could save my life. In return, you can use my chaddar to cover yourself," Noor implored, her eyes brimming with tears.

The lady looked at her skeptically, as if she had just escaped from a mental asylum. "No, are you out of your mind? This is not permitted in our religion," she scoffed.

Noor refused to give up. "Please, Aunty, don't reject me on the basis of our religion. Islam teaches us to be kind to others and help them in times of distress. My Uncle is forcing me into a dangerous situation with a perverted man. This could happen to your daughter too. Fear Allah and help a girl in need."

Moved by Noor's plea, the lady weighed her options and realized that if the girl's story was true, she had a chance to rescue her from a living hell. They exchanged garments, and Noor asked the lady to exit the restroom ten minutes after she left to provide her with a head start. As soon as Noor stepped out, a sense of freedom enveloped her. She felt untethered, with no one to answer to or fear. In that moment, she could be anyone she wanted, do anything she dreamed of. It was as if someone had given her wings to fly.

Noor dashed through the streets of Islamabad, putting as much distance as possible between herself and the man who had reveled in her suffering, inflicting pain with hot knives and leather belts. With each step, the weight of the chains that had bound her for so long seemed to lessen, empowering her to run faster and farther away from the monster who had tormented her.

She had tried escaping before, glimpsing the path to freedom, but always found herself immobilized, trapped by confusion, despair, and the clamor of society. This time, though, she had made a firm decision. She bent down, picked up the key that had always been within her reach, and unlocked the shackles that had bound her feet. She removed the gag that silenced her and turned around to bid farewell, without an ounce of regret. With her first step onto the soft cushion of grass, she could already feel the difference—a surge of strength, height, breadth, wisdom, and self-assurance coursing through her.

For a brief moment, she looked back to see if anyone was chasing her. People from her past watched, some bewildered, others entertained or disinterested. But their presence no longer mattered to her as she witnessed the transformation of her once dark world into one vibrant with color. The streets of Islamabad had never appeared so vivid and bright, and an inexplicable connection to this place, her birthplace, tugged at her heart. Little did she know, this was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey, one filled with challenges yet brimming with the possibility of a new and fulfilling life. Noor continued her rapid pace, her heart pounding with a mix of adrenaline, fear, and a newfound sense of liberation. The streets of Islamabad stretched out before her, unfamiliar yet beckoning with a promise of endless possibilities. With each passing moment, she felt a surge of confidence and resilience, as if the chains of her past were being shed, replaced by an indomitable spirit that propelled her forward.

As she ran through the bustling city, Noor couldn't help but notice the vibrant tapestry of life unfolding around her. Street vendors peddled their wares, filling the air with the aroma of sizzling kebabs and fragrant spices. Colorful rickshaws zipped by, their honking horns blending into a symphony of urban sounds. People of all walks of life bustled about, their faces reflecting the diversity and richness of Pakistani culture. Noor's senses came alive as she absorbed the sights, sounds, and even the occasional gust of wind that brushed against her cheeks. It was as if she had been reborn, shedding the confines of her past and embracing the unknown with open arms. She was no longer the timid girl oppressed by her uncle's cruelty; she was a survivor, ready to carve her own path and reclaim her identity. With each step, Noor's determination grew stronger. She knew she couldn't afford to rest. There were still hurdles to overcome, dangers to evade, and a new life to build. She had no illusions about the challenges that lay ahead, but she was fueled by a fire that burned brighter than ever before. She refused to let her past define her future. As the city streets gradually gave way to quieter neighborhoods, Noor's pace slowed to a brisk walk. She took in her surroundings, searching for a safe haven where she could gather her thoughts and plan her next move. Her mind raced with questions. Where could she find temporary shelter? Who could she trust? How could she secure her independence without drawing attention?

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