Forty Six

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Zaviyaar's heart swelled with immense joy. The woman he loved, Noor, held onto him with a longing that mirrored his own feelings. It was a silent declaration of the love they shared, a love that had overcome the odds and brought them to this moment.

His smile, though restrained by the circumstances, threatened to stretch across his face. He couldn't help but think that he was the luckiest man alive. He had been blessed with a wife who was not just pure and innocent but someone who understood the importance of boundaries and respect.

As they were nearing Daadi, he realised he would have to let her go and pretend that shes just a nobody. Which he never wanted to do. Zaviyaar's determination to protect Noor only grew stronger. She was his Noor ul Ain, the light of his eyes, and he was resolute in his commitment to shield her from any harm. No one would ever lay a hand on her, for she was the most precious thing in his life, and he would protect her with every breath in his body.

"This is it," Zaviyaar said with a hint of regret in his voice. "I have to leave before Daadi comes and finds us together. Fee Aman Allah, Noor. May Allah always protect you." His eyes held a tenderness as he gazed at her. "My little woman."

As he kissed her forehead goodbye, their connection intensified. In a hushed whisper, he breathed into her ear, "You are mine." With that heartfelt assurance, he reluctantly stepped away, preparing to return to the world outside, where their secret bond would remain hidden from prying eyes, at least for now.

The moment Zaviyaar left, Noor felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. As Zaviyaar walked away, leaving Noor behind, a profound sense of loss washed over her. It felt as though her heart had been torn from her chest, leaving a void that ached with an intensity she had never known before. As he disappeared into the distance, Noor clutched her chest, her eyes brimming with tears, and whispered a silent prayer for him.  The memory of his tender farewell kiss and the whispered promise of 'You are mine' echoed in her mind.

Zaviyaar rarely wore his heart on his sleeve, but with Noor, he felt an overwhelming desire to express his deep love for her. He admired everything about her - her beauty, even her height, affectionately referring to her as "Tiddi," meaning his petite darling. His face lit up with an uncontrollable smile whenever he thought of her. Despite their marriage being a matter of necessity, he couldn't shake the feeling that Noor was meant for him, as if fate had destined her to be in his life since his very existence. His heart had been patiently waiting for her, making it impossible for him to truly love anyone else. Areesha, whom he was once infatuated with due to his mother's insistence, never captured his heart the way Noor did.

Zaviyaar met up with his group of friends who congratulated him on his Nikkah, excitement evident in their eager expressions. They patted his back, shared hearty laughs, and cheered for him. "Congratulations, man! You're a married man now," one of his friends proclaimed enthusiastically, nudging him playfully.

"Yeah, about time, Zav. Treat us, buddy!" Another friend chimed in, grinning broadly.

Zaviyaar smiled and acknowledged their warm wishes. "I'll treat you guys, sure," he said with a nod, appreciating their support. However, when the conversation steered towards Noor and inquiries began about her, Zaviyaar's demeanour shifted slightly. "She's my wife," he responded firmly, his tone brooking no further questions. "I won't discuss her with anyone else and especially other men." he added, signalling the end of that line of conversation.

Zaviyaar’s friends, noticing the sudden shift in his tone, respected his boundary and changed the subject. They knew better than to press him further when it came to personal matters.

The evening carried on with laughter, banter, and joy. They raised toasts and shared moments from their university days, reviving old memories. Even amidst the celebration, Zaviyaar's thoughts frequently wandered back to Noor. Her image lingered in his mind, her smile, her innocence, and the tender moments they shared during their secret Nikkah.

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