Forty Five

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Daniyal, unable to reach Khalifa, decided to seek the guidance of Harris bhai, who was known for his wisdom and experience.

"Asalam O Alaikum, bhai. How are you? How's Aunty Waliya and Sairah doing?" Daniyal inquired, wanting to catch up briefly.

"Walaikum as-salam, I'm good, Alhamdulillah. They're both doing well, enjoying life," Harris replied with warmth.

"Bhai, I have something important to discuss," Daniyal began.

"Okay, is everything alright between you and Rabail?" Harris asked, showing his concern for Daniyal's well-being.

"Yes, it's not about that. I recently hired someone to assist with my chores, but it turns out he's not a good man. He tried to harm Noor, and I have no idea why. Zaviyaar intervened that day to protect her, and it's clear that this person is dangerous. I need your help to track him down," Daniyal explained urgently.

"Oh, that poor child. Daniyal, I'll do anything to help. Please provide me with all the details you have," Harris assured him.

"Bhai, I have a copy of his ID card. I'll send you a picture on WhatsApp," Daniyal replied, appreciative of Harris's willingness to assist.

The instant Harris laid eyes on Khalifa's name on the ID card, shock coursed through his entire being. His hands trembled, and his mind reeled. Khalifa, the very man he had spent a lifetime searching for, the man who had taken his precious daughter away from him and shattered his world, had seemingly resurfaced now. The implications were overwhelming.

Was it possible that Noor, the caretaker at the Khan house, was his long-lost baby girl, Noor? Could that explain why Khalifa had tried to harm her? Harris was filled with a surge of emotions – a mix of anguish, hope, and determination.

Allah had seemingly answered his prayers by providing a potential lead to unravel the mysteries of the past, and Harris knew that he needed to find Khalifa and get answers to all the questions that had haunted him for years. This unexpected revelation had ignited a newfound fire within him to reunite with his daughter and set things right.

Daadi had decided to bring Noor along with her to the market this time. It was a rare opportunity for Noor to step out of the house and enjoy the sights and sounds of Islamabad. She relished the experience of being surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city.

As they strolled through the market, Noor's senses were awakened by the various aromas of street food, the vibrant colors of the stalls, and the delightful melodies of street musicians. Islamabad's charm had a way of casting a spell on anyone who wandered through its markets.

Noor's eyes lit up as they passed by the bangle stalls, each display glistening with a rainbow of colors and intricate designs. She couldn't help but admire the beauty of the handcrafted jewellery. It was a stark contrast to her usual role as a caretaker, and the temptation to buy something for herself was strong.

Daadi, noticing Noor's fascination with the colourful bangles, decided to surprise her. She handed Noor some money and said, "Noor, look around, and if you find anything you like, buy it for yourself. You deserve a little treat today."

Noor's face radiated gratitude, and she warmly thanked Daadi for her unexpected generosity. With a renewed sense of excitement, she ventured deeper into the market, her heart brimming with appreciation for the simple joys life had to offer.

Noor's exploration led her to a charming little stall adorned with handmade, scented candles. Their soft glow and aromatic fragrances captured her attention. Noor couldn't resist selecting a few of her favourite scents. She marvelled at the thought of lighting them in Daadis' room, adding a touch of serenity to her living space.

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