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4 years ago, 1987, Lahore

Harris made the difficult decision to relocate with Mariam to the city, leaving behind his family. It was a significant change for him, as he had never lived on his own before, but he knew that sacrifices had to be made. He found a rental place near one of his father's factories, where he had been assigned to work until the situation at home could be resolved. Lahore, unlike the village in Gujrat, was a bustling metropolis, teeming with activity. People were so preoccupied with their own lives that they didn't meddle in the affairs of others, a refreshing change from the nosy nature of the village. Privacy was valued and respected here. Harris began to appreciate the urban lifestyle, seeing how vibrant and lively the city was. He enjoyed blending in with the crowd, no longer feeling the constant fear of judgment for every little action. Mariam, too, was captivated by the city's offerings. She was amazed by the variety of stalls and shops, even discovering a dedicated store just for shoes. In the village, they had to rely on small shacks where everything was cramped together, often having to ask the shopkeeper for a specific shoe size. Comparatively, her own house was smaller than most of the shops she saw in the city, and she eagerly anticipated exploring each and every one of them. The urban environment provided a sense of excitement and endless possibilities that they had not experienced in the tranquil village.

"I am too overwhelmed by everything. Lahore definitely is the heart of Pakistan, it's beautiful Harris."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it, Mariam. Lahore truly is the heart of Pakistan," Harris replied with a smile.

He was delighted by Mariam's enthusiasm and couldn't wait to show her more of the city's wonders. "We'll visit the Badshahi Mosque, the Tombs of Jehangir and Nur Jehan, and the Anarkali Bazaar. Each place has its own unique charm, and I'm certain you'll love them."

Despite not having the same level of formal education as his brother Saleem, Harris possessed a natural grace and knowledge that Mariam admired. He never flaunted his understanding or acted superior; instead, he humbly learned from the people around him.

Mariam's excitement was palpable. "I can't wait to explore every inch of this divine city while we're here. It's a dream come true for me. I've never been to a city before, let alone seen any of these famous landmarks. All my life, I've lived in a small shack that my great grandfather built. It had just two bedrooms, a tiny kitchenette, and a cramped bathroom that could barely fit one person. I've always imagined traveling across the country and experiencing everything it has to offer."

Harris chuckled playfully. "Your wish is my command. But first, let's satisfy our hunger with a delicious dinner. Afterward, we can dive into the vibrant bazaar for some shopping. Get ready for an unforgettable evening."

Mariam was captivated by the essence of Lahore, realizing that there was truth in the saying "Lahore Lahore hai" (Lahore is Lahore). The city had a unique charm that made all arguments and differences seem insignificant. What stood out to her was the city's love for food. It seemed that no matter the occasion or mood, people in Lahore turned to food. When they were happy, they celebrated with food; when they were sad, they sought solace in food; even when they were bored, they indulged in food! Harris decided to take Mariam to the renowned Gawalmandi Food Street, nestled amidst several historic buildings, including the bustling Bansaan-wala Bazaar and the vibrant Landa Bazaar. As they strolled through the streets, Mariam observed the women shopping with great enthusiasm, approaching each shopkeeper with a hunter's spirit. Bargaining was an art form here, and the women would haggle relentlessly until the price was reduced to half of what was initially offered. It was a testament to the spirit and determination of the Lahori people. Harris wanted Mariam to experience the vibrant nightlife of the urban city, so he led her to the captivating Fort Road Food Street. The surroundings were truly striking, with the magnificent Roshnai Gate, the echoes of ancient Lahore, and the majestic Badshahi Mosque creating a breathtaking backdrop for the bustling food stalls. The aroma of sizzling kebabs, aromatic biryanis, and mouthwatering desserts filled the air, tempting their taste buds.

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