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Harris embarked on the journey to Islamabad, his mind consumed with thoughts about his elusive sibling. It was an unexpected destination, as he had always assumed Saleem would have fled the country by now. But perhaps Saleem had his own reasons for staying, driven by his relentless pursuit of whatever he desired, regardless of the consequences. As Harris drove, his phone incessantly rang, disrupting his already troubled state of mind. He tried to ignore the calls, hoping for a moment of respite. His original intention was to meet Mariam and finally confront the weighty burden that had been weighing on his heart since the day she left. But with each ring of his phone, his frustration grew. Finally, unable to ignore the persistent caller any longer, Harris reluctantly answered the phone and shouted into the receiver, "What's the problem? I am preoccupied at the moment. Can't you call me back later?" On the other end of the line, a voice replied calmly, "Harris, it's your mother. I understand you're busy, but there's something important I need to tell you." Harris's voice softened as he realized it was his mother calling. "I'm sorry, Ammi. It's been a difficult day. What is it that you need to tell me?" His mother proceeded to share a surprising revelation. She had intercepted a conversation between Saleem and another person, hinting at his whereabouts in Islamabad. It seemed Saleem had left behind some clues, deliberately or unknowingly, and his mother had pieced them together. Harris's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Saleem's potential location. A glimmer of hope flickered within him, mingled with a sense of urgency. This was the lead he had been waiting for, the opportunity to confront his elusive brother and perhaps find the answers he desperately sought. "Thank you, Ammi," Harris said, his voice filled with gratitude. "You've given me a valuable lead. I'm on my way to Islamabad right now. I won't rest until I find Saleem and uncover the truth."

His mother's voice held a mix of concern and hope. "Be careful, my son. Remember, finding the truth is important, but your safety matters the most. May Allah protect you." With renewed determination and a surge of adrenaline, Harris continued his journey to Islamabad. The road stretched before him, winding and uncertain, much like the path that had led him to this point. But he was prepared to face whatever lay ahead, armed with the resolve to confront his brother and, perhaps, find closure to the lingering questions that had haunted him for far too long. As the miles passed by, Harris couldn't help but wonder what awaited him in Islamabad. Would he finally confront Saleem and unravel the tangled web of deception that had torn their family apart? Or would he be met with more enigmatic clues and elusive trails? Only time would tell, but Harris was determined to persist. With each passing mile, Harris's focus sharpened, his determination solidifying. He was ready to confront the shadows of the past, to face his brother and uncover the truth, no matter the cost. The journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but Harris's resolute spirit remained unyielding. He was determined to find Saleem and bring an end to the chapter that had plagued their lives for far too long.

In the meantime, Harris received another call, and this time it was Daniyal, his voice filled with worry and distress.

"Harris bhai, it's me, Daniyal." Daniyal's voice trembled, and it was evident that something was terribly wrong. Harris's concern for the young boy instantly replaced any resentment he had previously held.

"Danny, what's going on? Is everything okay? I'm coming back home right away," Harris assured him, his voice laced with urgency.

"No, you don't need to come back. Ayyub bhai is here with me. When you didn't pick up, I brought him over. My fath... my dad, he, he..." Daniyal struggled to find the words, his voice choked with emotion.

"If he laid a hand on you, this time I won't spare him, no matter how old he is. I don't care anymore," Harris declared, his protective instincts taking over.

"I wish he could hit me or shout or say anything. But he's gone, he's no more," Daniyal's voice quivered. "I should feel relieved and happy, considering how rude and cruel he was to me. But the pain inside me is killing me, bhai. I think I need a break. I want to take a month off, if that's okay with you, of course. After the janazah, I'm leaving for Turkey. My mom's sister lives there, and she's willing to give me a place to stay for a few days. Allah Hafiz, take care. I'll see you when I get back."

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