Fifty Three

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Overwhelmed with joy and relief, Harris couldn't contain his emotions any longer. He cast aside the lingering doubts and pulled Noor into a warm, heartfelt embrace. "My dear Noor," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of happiness and tenderness. "You are truly my daughter, and nothing could make me prouder."

Noor, still teary-eyed, reciprocated the embrace, feeling an indescribable sense of belonging. In that moment, the weight of uncertainty lifted, replaced by the reassuring warmth of paternal love.

Harris gently pulled back, holding Noor at arm's length, and with a beaming smile, he continued, "I never want you to doubt your place in this family. You are more than blood; you are the essence of what family means to me. These past months have only confirmed what I felt from the beginning – that you are a cherished part of my life."

With heartfelt sincerity, he added, "Noor, you have a home here, not just as my daughter but as someone who is deeply loved and valued. Let this be a new beginning, a chapter of shared laughter, dreams, and unconditional love. We have a future together, and I couldn't be happier to have you as my daughter."

Noor's eyes welled up with tears of gratitude as she absorbed Uncle Harris's heartfelt words. The warmth in his embrace and the sincerity in his voice melted away any lingering doubts or fears she had carried within her. In that moment, she felt the weight of loneliness she had carried for so long lift from her shoulders.

"Thank you, Uncle Harris. I never imagined I could have such a loving family," Noor said, her voice filled with emotion.

Harris smiled, patting her shoulder affectionately. "We are blessed to have you, Noor. Now, let's join the others and share the joy of this double celebration. There's a lot of happiness to go around, and you're an integral part of it. And one more thing, Your baba, Noor. Call me 'Baba' from now on. I'm your father."

Touched by the sincerity in Harris's words, Noor nodded. "Baba, I... I like that. Thank you for everything."

With a comforting pat on her back, Harris guided her toward the living room where the rest of the family awaited, the celebration echoing with laughter and joy. Noor embraced her newfound family connection, now calling Harris 'Baba' with a heart full of gratitude.

Every corner echoed with the melody of laughter, and the ambience was filled with pure joy. However, amid the festivities, Noor deliberately kept her distance from Arham throughout the evening. Her hope lingered on his swift return to Lahore, as his presence unnerved her, despite his current facade of normalcy while engaging in conversations and laughter.

Even surrounded by a lively crowd, Noor found herself consumed by the absence of Zaviyaar. Their unresolved argument before her departure left a void that the revelry couldn't fill. The silence between them weighed heavily on her. She didn't even have an excuse to talk to him.

As Rabail and Daniyal bid their farewells, promising to return soon, the conjoined party lingered in discussions at the doorway. Noor's thoughts oscillated between the merriment around her and the unresolved tensions in her personal life. The anticipation of Arham's departure and the unspoken rift with Zaviyaar added layers of complexity to the otherwise vibrant atmosphere.

Once Daniyal and Rabail bid farewell to the Chaudhary house and settled into their car, Rabail's excitement bubbled over.

"Dani, let's go visit Mama and Baba now. I can't wait to see the surprise on their faces. We should also invite them to the upcoming party," Rabail insisted eagerly.

Daniyal chuckled at his wife's enthusiasm, already imagining the joyous reactions from Rabail's parents. "Sure, Rabail. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to hear the good news, and having them at the party would be wonderful." He started the car, setting out on the journey to Rabail's parental home, eager to share the joyous news with her family.

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