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As days passed, Mehnaz continued her pursuit of suitable suitors for her children. However, her mind couldn't help but wander to Alyan Sikander, despite her husband's lukewarm response. She knew that Rabail deserved the best, and her motherly instincts told her there was something special about Alyan. Deep down, Mehnaz hoped that fate would bring them together. Rabail, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement after meeting Daniyal. Their initial encounter left her smitten, and their subsequent conversations only deepened her affection. Despite their strong connection, Rabail understood the challenge that lay ahead—convincing her mother, who prioritized wealth and status over personal happiness. Rabail and Daniyal, determined to overcome this obstacle, leaned on each other for support and devised a plan to win Mehnaz's approval. Meanwhile, Zaaviyaar found himself in a constant battle of emotions. The memory of Noor's teary eyes haunted him, fueling both guilt and longing. His heart yearned for her, but his ego struggled to accept it. He couldn't comprehend why he was drawn to someone who despised him, and his frustration only deepened his determination to win her over. Noor, too, grappled with conflicting emotions. She couldn't deny the spark between them, but her resentment towards Zaaviyaar ran deep. The pain of past mistreatment lingered, and she refused to let herself be vulnerable again. Noor vowed to protect her heart and maintain her independence, even if it meant pushing away the man who ignited a tumultuous mix of love and hate within her.

One day, Mehnaaz decided to host a lively gathering at her own house, inviting friends, family, and potential suitors for Rabail. Unbeknownst to Daniyal, this was the very house where the woman he had fallen for, Rabail, resided. Aunty Waliya and Sairah, eager to introduce Daniyal to the Pakistani culture, insisted that he accompany them to the party, even though Harris adamantly declined their invitation. As the guests arrived, Noor found herself bustling about, attending to their needs and tidying up after their messes. Despite being Daadi's caretaker, Madam Mehnaz often imposed additional duties on Noor, expecting her to handle various tasks around the house. Noor, with her resilient spirit, never complained and diligently carried out her responsibilities. In the midst of the vibrant gathering, Rabail's eyes met Daniyal's, and a flicker of recognition sparked between them. They couldn't believe their luck, meeting once again in such an unexpected manner. The universe seemed to conspire in their favor, giving them a chance to deepen their connection. Curiosity piqued within Daniyal as he observed Noor, who effortlessly navigated the chaos of the party, her graceful presence catching his attention. He felt a pang of empathy for her, realizing the unfair treatment she endured under Madam Mehnaz's demands. Driven by a newfound determination, Daniyal mustered the courage to approach Noor during a brief respite from her duties. It's her name that pulled him into speaking to her, "Noor, isn't it? I've noticed how tirelessly you work to ensure everyone's comfort. You deserve so much more than the treatment you receive. You're incredibly strong and compassionate," Daniyal expressed with genuine admiration.

Noor, caught off guard by Daniyal's unexpected words, felt a warmth spread through her. His genuine acknowledgment of her efforts touched her heart, igniting a glimmer of hope within. "Thank you, Daniyal. It's not always easy, but I do what I can. Your kind words mean a lot to me," she responded, her voice tinged with both gratitude and vulnerability.

Their conversation continued, slowly revealing glimpses of their shared experiences, dreams, and hardships. Noor found solace in Daniyal's presence, appreciating his ability to see beyond the surface and acknowledge her true worth. The more they spoke, the more Noor realized that Daniyal possessed a depth and understanding she had rarely encountered.

Meanwhile, Zaviyaar, in his own brooding nature, couldn't help but notice the growing connection between Noor and Daniyal. Feelings of envy and frustration welled up within him, intensifying the love-hate relationship he shared with Noor. He couldn't shake off the magnetic pull she exerted on him, even in the presence of another stupid man who was talking to her as if she was his. She was only Zaviyaars girl and no one could steal her away from him. 

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