Forty One

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Caught in the whirlwind of his own fury, Khalifa hadn't paused to consider what he had just witnessed. He hadn't realized that Noor was in the Chaudhary house. The fact that Harris had finally managed to locate her after all these years was baffling. How had he recognized her? Questions churned in Khalifa's mind as he fumed with anger. He was determined to uncover all the details about what was happening there. Noor was his possession, and he wasn't about to let her slip away again. He knew he had to act swiftly – the man who had come to her rescue wouldn't always be there.

After the wedding celebrations were over, Daniyal and Rabail arrived at the Chaudhary residence for their dawat, a celebratory dinner hosted for the newlywed couple. The atmosphere was warm, infused with the joy of their union. The house was adorned with decorations, and the aroma of delicious food wafted through the air.

Harris, the host, warmly greeted Daniyal and Rabail. "Welcome, welcome! We're so glad to have you here to celebrate with us."

Rabail smiled, her eyes reflecting happiness. "Thank you, Uncle. We're really excited to be here."

As the evening unfolded, conversations flowed freely, laughter rang out, and the house echoed with the clinking of glasses. The couple received heartfelt blessings from everyone, and the love in the room was palpable.

Out of the blue, Daniyal's phone rang, pulling his attention away from the lively atmosphere of the dawat. He excused himself for a moment and answered the call. "Hey, bhai, Asalam O Alaikum," Daniyal greeted.

Zaviyaar's voice, on the other end, held a sense of urgency. He had dialled Daniyal to reveal a shocking truth – everything about Khalifa and his sinister plans. As Zaviyaar spoke, Daniyal's disbelief deepened with each word. It was as if he was hearing a tale straight out of a thriller.

Zaviyaar painstakingly told him how Noor had apprehended Khalifa, catching him in the act of plotting against the Chaudhary family. Daniyal's heart raced as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. His protective instincts flared, and anger surged through him at the thought of someone attempting to harm the people he cared for.

Zaviyaar's words also laid bare a disturbing reality – Khalifa hadn't just conspired, he had physically and verbally abused Noor, reminding Daniyal of the darker aspects of humanity. A surge of anger and a sense of responsibility welled up within him. Noor, someone he deeply cared for like a sister, had faced such torment, and he was determined to ensure her safety.

"Thank you for letting me know, Zaviyaar," Daniyal said, his voice laced with a mix of gratitude and determination. "I won't let anything happen to Noor or anyone else. We'll deal with this together."

"Zaviyaar," Mrs. Mehnaz's voice cut through the air.

"Yeah, Mama?" Zaviyaar replied, his tone holding a hint of reluctance. Conversations with his mother often stirred up conflicting emotions within him.

"Now that Rabail is married, it's your turn. You need to find someone to settle down with. If you can't, I will step in. Do you understand?" Mehnaz's words carried a sense of authority.

Zaviyaar's eyebrows furrowed, and a flash of irritation crossed his face. "No, Mama. I'm not interested in getting married. Remember, Areesha? How she treated me like dirt? Well, from now on, I'll treat every woman the same way."

His response was laced with bitterness, his past experiences casting a long shadow over his perspective.

Mrs. Mehnaz's expression shifted, a mixture of exasperation and concern. "Zaviyaar, I understand that you've been hurt in the past, but that doesn't mean every woman is the same. You can't generalize based on one bad experience."

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