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Harris's heart raced as he sprinted after the swiftly retreating car, his muscles straining with every desperate stride. But the disparity in speed between his pounding feet and the relentless acceleration of the vehicle became painfully evident. He felt a pang of frustration and helplessness, realizing that he couldn't catch up on foot. His mind raced, seeking a solution to bridge the growing distance. Meanwhile, Mariam's anguish intensified, her cries intertwining with fervent prayers that echoed through the air. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with her pleas to Allah for the safe return of her child. She clung to her faith, finding solace in the belief that a higher power would guide them through this ordeal. "Ya Allah, please protect my child! Ya Allah, bring her back home safely," she implored, her voice choked with emotion. In her despair, a compassionate voice broke through the haze of her anguish. An elderly man, touched by Mariam's distress, approached her with a gentle smile. He extended a comforting hand, his eyes filled with empathy and wisdom. "Don't cry, my child," he said softly. "Allah hears your prayers and will surely bring your daughter back to you. Have patience and trust in His divine plan." Mariam's tear-filled gaze met the old man's, finding a glimmer of hope and reassurance in his kind words. She took solace in the belief that her pleas had been heard, and her faith provided her with the strength to endure the unbearable uncertainty that engulfed her. Just as Mariam was about to thank the old man for his comforting words, her attention was drawn to a familiar figure rushing back towards her. It was Harris, his face etched with determination and concern. Relief flooded through Mariam, knowing that she wasn't alone in this desperate quest to find their daughter. Harris reached Mariam, his breath ragged from the sprint, but his resolve unyielding. He held her trembling hands firmly, offering her a reassuring presence amidst the chaos. "We will get her back, Mariam," he declared, his voice infused with conviction. "We will find a way. Do you have the driver's number? We need to act quickly."

"Saleem!" Mariam whispered weakly before losing consciousness in Harris's arms. Panic surged through Harris as he held her limp body, unsure of what steps to take next. Noor had been kidnapped, Saleem was nowhere to be found, and Mariam lay unconscious in his embrace. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on him, leaving him searching for any signs of meaning or hope in the chaos. Shaking off his thoughts, Harris reminded himself to focus on immediate actions. "First things first," he muttered with determination. "I need to find Saleem, gather any information I can, and involve the police." Hailing a passing taxi, he gently placed Mariam in the backseat, ensuring she was safe before stepping in himself. He couldn't bear to be away from her during such a distressing time. As the taxi raced through the bustling streets, an unsettling sensation settled in Harris's chest. It felt as though he had lost someone dear to him, despite his limited time with Noor. Although he and Mariam had struggled to have a child of their own, he couldn't ignore the strong bond he felt with Noor as his niece. She had quickly become a cherished part of his life, and her absence left a void that seemed impossible to fill. Overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness, Harris reflected on the countless prayers and efforts he and Mariam had invested in their quest to have a child. The doctors' words echoed in his mind, reminding him that their fate lay in the hands of a higher power. "If Allah wills, He will bless us with a child," they had said, their words a bittersweet reminder of the unpredictable nature of life's blessings. The taxi screeched to a stop as they arrived at the police station. With Mariam still unconscious, Harris carried her inside, feeling a mix of worry and determination. He provided the authorities with every detail he could recall, hoping their expertise and resources would aid in the search for Noor. As the police initiated their investigation, Harris found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions—fear, determination, and an unwavering love for Noor. He clung to the belief that their collective efforts, combined with the assistance of the police, would lead to Noor's safe return.

Noor was currently in a small rural area near Islamabad, where the houses were all made up of bricks, straws, rocks. The area was all sandy, the inhabitants had occupied the land illegally and it was as if they were living in a desert with no resources around them and all anybody could see for miles was sand. The driver who was taking Saleem and his wife to the haveli never intended to kidnap Noor, he only wanted their luggage as there was absolutely no clothing for his family and he wanted to provide them with some essentials before the strong winter winds came along and took the life out of his kids. She was a beautiful, innocent child he thought and it was unfair that she got parted from her family. The driver was called by name of Sikander Shah and was a good man by heart but his children needs forced him to do this evil act. He vowed to himself that he would return the baby back to where she belongs, she had been unintentional collateral damage which he felt horrible about. Her parents must be worried sick, he couldn't ever imagine losing any of his offspring's this way. May Allah forgive him and help him deliver her back safely.

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