Twenty Seven

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Noor's hands trembled as she hastily prepared another pot of porridge, her mind racing with a mixture of frustration and confusion. Why had Zaviyaar sabotaged her efforts? What had she done to deserve such treatment from him? She couldn't comprehend his actions, but she knew she couldn't dwell on it right now. There were responsibilities to fulfill, and Daadi's breakfast couldn't be delayed any longer.

With the fresh pot of porridge in hand, Noor ascended the stairs, her heart pounding in her chest. She entered Daadi's room, her voice quivering as she approached the elderly woman. Placing the bowl in front of her, she mustered the courage to speak, her eyes downcast in fear of the repercussions.

"I'm so sorry, Madam," Noor stammered, her voice laced with a mixture of genuine remorse and trepidation. "I made your porridge on time, but... but the bowl slipped out of my hand, and it spilled. I had to quickly remake it, and I apologize for the delay. Please don't hit me. I promise it won't happen again."

Daadi's laughter echoed through the room, a sound that hadn't graced those walls in years. It was a joyful melody that seemed to chase away the heaviness that had enveloped their lives. Noor couldn't help but join in, the sound of their laughter creating a bond between them. Daadi motioned for Noor to sit beside her, her eyes sparkling with a newfound lightness. "Child, I don't know what image Mehnaz has painted of me in your mind, but I assure you, I wasn't always like this. The harshness of this world, the disappointments and betrayals, they changed me. But in you, I see something different. I see purity, sincerity, and a genuine heart." Noor's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. She had longed for acceptance, for someone who saw beyond her humble status. Daadi's words felt like a balm to her soul, erasing the doubts and insecurities that had haunted her for so long. "Thank you, Madam," Noor whispered, her voice filled with emotion. The weight of her gratitude and newfound connection was almost overwhelming. "You can call me Daadi," she replied, her voice gentle and full of affection. Noor couldn't believe her ears. Daadi, the woman who had initially been so distant and cold, was now opening her heart to her. It felt like a dream come true, a ray of sunlight breaking through the dark clouds that had overshadowed her life. The desire to express her overwhelming gratitude and affection bubbled within Noor. She longed to wrap her arms around Daadi and hold her tightly, but she hesitated, aware of the boundaries that still existed. As much as her heart desired that embrace, she knew it would be inappropriate. Instead, she simply smiled, her eyes sparkling with unspoken affection. In that moment, Noor realized that despite the challenges presented by Madam Mehnaz's harshness and Zaaviyaar's troubled nature, her life had found a semblance of stability. She had discovered an unexpected ally in Daadi, someone who saw her for who she truly was and cared for her well-being.

Harris sat eagerly in the car, his anticipation mounting as he awaited Daniyal's arrival. It had been a staggering 20 to 21 years since they had last seen each other, nearly the same amount of time that Harris's daughter had mysteriously vanished from their lives. As he caught sight of a handsome figure approaching, his heart swelled with joy. It was Daniyal, all grown up and exuding a sense of maturity. Harris couldn't contain his excitement, hastily stepping out of the car to get a better look at the young man before him.

"Ma'Sha'Allah, it's really you!" Harris exclaimed, his voice filled with affectionate disbelief. "You've grown so much! And that beard suits you well." Laughter mingled with tears of joy as Harris basked in the presence of the boy who had become a son to him. "I've missed you immensely, brother."

Daniyal, overwhelmed by the warmth of their reunion, enveloped Harris in a tight embrace. "I've missed you too, Harris," he admitted, his voice laced with a mix of nostalgia and gratitude. "There is so much I want to share with you."

As they embarked on their journey, Harris steered the car while engaged in lively conversation with Daniyal, catching up on the countless adventures and experiences that had shaped his life in their time apart. Laughter filled the air, dissipating any lingering gaps that had formed over the years of separation.

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