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Gazing into the innocent eyes of Noor, Saleem couldn't help but be consumed by a sense of guilt. She deserved to be with her real father, Harris, who would undoubtedly provide her with the love and attention she deserved. Saleem knew deep down that he could never fully replace the bond that Noor had with her biological father. As Saleem stood by the roadside, cradling Noor in his arms, a faint unease settled within him. It felt as if someone was trailing him, watching his every move. Paranoia gripped his mind momentarily, but he dismissed the feeling, attributing it to the stress and chaos of the situation. Determined to reunite his family, he waved off the lingering unease, hailed a passing taxi, and made his way to the hospital where Mariam and Harris awaited. Upon arriving at the hospital, Saleem's eyes scanned the bustling corridors, searching for any sign of his wife and brother. He spotted Harris, pacing back and forth with an urgency that mirrored his internal turmoil. The sight of Harris, appearing as though he had hungry dogs nipping at his heels, fueled Saleem's mix of emotions—anger, concern, and a renewed determination to confront the circumstances head-on.

Taking a deep breath, Saleem approached Harris, his voice laced with a mixture of frustration and worry. "Harris, Salam, where is Mariam? What happened? I need answers, now."

"Alhumdulillah, she is fine," Harris replied with a sense of relief. "She's conscious if you're asking, and I filled her in on how you rescued Noor and are bringing her back safely. Since then, Mariam hasn't stopped crying. She's performing nawafil prayers to thank Allah for the safe return of her daughter."

Saleem let out a chuckle at Harris's remark. "Women," he scoffed, "they cry when they're happy, sad, angry—you name it. I don't even know what to do with a crying baby. Women are on a whole another level."

Harris joined in the laughter, recognizing the truth in Saleem's words. "You're right, my brother. They possess a strength that often goes unnoticed. We men, on the other hand, are so afraid of expressing ourselves, fearing that others will make fun of us if they see us shed a tear. But it's them who have an emotional resilience that we can never truly possess."

As they shared a moment of light-hearted banter, their laughter filled the hospital corridor, momentarily lifting the weight of their burdens. In that shared understanding, Saleem and Harris recognized the complexities of their roles and the appreciation they held for the women in their lives. With a renewed sense of respect for the emotional strength of women, Saleem and Harris continued their journey towards Mariam's room. They knew that despite their individual struggles and conflicts, their love and support for Mariam would guide them through the challenges that lay ahead.

Saleem observed his brother, taking in his disheveled appearance—his unkempt hair, the rumpled kameez, bloodshot eyes, and heavy dark circles beneath them. It was evident that Harris hadn't slept in days. As anger coursed through Saleem's veins, he realized that his frustration stemmed not from a place of genuine love for his missing wife, but rather from the perception that she had abandoned him, leaving him alone. A wave of introspection washed over Saleem, prompted by the realization that he had never truly considered Mariam's feelings and had consistently imposed his decisions and demands upon her. Ayyub's words echoed in his mind, reminding him of the stereotypical expectations and entitlement that village men often held toward women—an insidious desire for subservience rather than genuine partnership. The loss of Noor and Mariam had forced a profound shift in Saleem's demeanor, shattering the walls of self-centeredness and exposing the depth of his negligence towards their well-being. Sympathy flooded his heart for Harris, who had done nothing but love and care for Saleem and his family. The weight of his own selfishness bore down on Saleem, compelling him to seek redemption and reconciliation. He realized that he couldn't undo the past, but he could work towards a brighter future for Mariam and Noor. Love for Mariam still lingered within him, though tarnished by the incident that had transpired. His experiences in London had altered him, leaving him perpetually anxious and mistrustful of others' intentions. Deep in his thoughts, Saleem turned to hand Noor back to Harris when a doctor came running towards them, his face etched with urgency. The sudden interruption brought Saleem back to the present moment, and a surge of apprehension coursed through his veins. The impending news from the doctor held the potential to shape their lives in unforeseen ways.

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