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"I think it's time we tell Noor," Harris asserted, a determined look in his eyes. The past two months had been a newfound joy in his life, and the absence of Khalifa's ominous presence had eased the constant worry that lingered in the background. Daniyal and Rabail were visiting the Chaudhary home for tea, and the conversation shifted towards Noor's safety and well-being.

"Sure, bhai, she will be safe here. We can enhance security measures as well. Besides, she's not fit to be cleaning and cooking for someone else. She's your daughter. She should be where she belongs," Daniyal replied, his words resonating with a sense of familial unity and concern for Noor's welfare.

Harris nodded, grateful for the support of his brother-in-law. "You're right, Daniyal. It's time we bring her back home. I want her to feel secure and loved, not constantly looking over her shoulder. She deserves to be with family."

Zaviyaar, still grappling with anger, found himself unable to shake off the unsettling images of Arham and Noor sharing a car. The mere thought fueled a restless night, and he was unable to sleep. He tiptoed into Daadi's room in the quiet darkness. There, he discovered a peculiar scene — Noor, seemingly unfazed by Daadi's symphony of snores, lay peacefully asleep on the bed next to her.

Gazing at the serene expression on Noor's face, Zaviyaar's anger momentarily softened. He couldn't comprehend how she managed to find tranquillity in the midst of such audible chaos. Slowly approaching her, he gently shook Noor awake, her eyes fluttering open, revealing a sleep-filled innocence that tugged at Zaviyaar's heart.

"Zaviyaar, is everything okay?" Noor asked, her voice a soft murmur, still drowsy from sleep. Her eyes, however, conveyed a curiosity tinged with concern.

Zaviyaar, conflicted by his emotions, hesitated before speaking, "I couldn't sleep, and I... I just wanted to see you."

Noor, now more awake, looked at him with a mix of understanding and affection. "Is something bothering you?"

Zaviyaar grabbed Noors hand and took her to his room, conflicted by his emotions, hesitated before speaking, "I couldn't sleep, and I... I just wanted to see you."

Noor, now more awake, looked at him with a mix of understanding and affection. "Is something bothering you?"

Zaviyaar sighed, a complex blend of frustration and vulnerability in his eyes. "I can't shake off the thought of you being with Arham. It bothers me, Noor."

Noor, sensing the turmoil within him, sat up, her expression shifting to one of empathy. "Zaviyaar, you know I'm yours, right? Arham is just a friend."

"Friend? Noor, how can he be your friend? I won't allow it!" Zaviyaar declared, his words carrying a tone louder than necessary, reflecting the intensity of his emotions.

"Keep your voice down. And what do you mean by you won't allow it? I can be friends with whoever I want," Noor responded, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"No, you can't. You're my wife now, and I don't like you around other men," Zaviyaar insisted, his anger escalating.

"He's a really nice man, Zaviyaar," Noor tried to reason, hoping to bridge the growing gap between them.

Zaviyaar's anger, however, surged. "Then you should have married him. You're using me anyway as a shield of protection. Well, guess what? Go be with your nice man. I'm done," he declared, storming out of the room, leaving Noor sitting in the dimly lit space, her eyes reflecting a mixture of hurt and disbelief.

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