Forty Seven

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Noor felt an overwhelming urge to check on Zaviyaar. He had been her protector, saving her from the threat of Khalifa, and despite them marrying out of necessity, he was now her husband. Assuring herself that Daadi was asleep, she draped her dupatta around her shoulders and stealthily made her way to Zaviyaar's room. Her heart pounded with every step. Should she really be doing this? What if he reacts harshly?

Battling her anxious thoughts, she dismissed the negativity and entered his room on tiptoes. As she stepped in, Zaviyaar was startled awake by the creaking door. Mistaking her for his mother, still consumed by frustration, he abruptly exclaimed, "GET OUT," without even glancing to see who had entered.

Startled by Zaviyaar's initial response, Noor emitted a small, frightened gasp. Hearing her unfamiliar sound, Zaviyaar turned swiftly, assuming it was his mother. However, as he faced Noor, he was taken aback. Her hair cascaded freely, unbound and unhidden—something he'd never seen before as she always had her head covered. The sight of her with her hair loose left him in awe. She looked strikingly beautiful, and an unexpected desire to run his fingers through her dark tresses flickered within him.

"Babygirl," he said softly, his voice filled with surprise and an underlying tenderness. "I thought it was Mama. Is everything alright? Do you need something?" Zaviyaar asked, concerned for her well-being. He realized she seemed different in that moment, and a part of him was captivated by the sight of her.

Noor, taken aback by his unexpected endearment, gathered herself, feeling a bit flustered. She tried to steady her nerves before speaking. "I-I heard a loud noise, and I thought I should check on you," she stammered, her eyes betraying a mix of concern and uncertainty.

Zaviyaar observed her, sensing her unease, and immediately softened. "I apologize for my abruptness. I thought it was Mama," he reassured, moving closer to her, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "Everything's okay here. You should get back to your room. I'm fine." He attempted to calm her nerves, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable or afraid in his presence.

Noor nodded, feeling a sense of relief in his reassurance. With a quick "Sorry for disturbing you," she turned to leave. But just before she could step away, Zaviyaar's voice stopped her. "And, Noor, thank you for caring." His sincere words lingered in the air as she silently made her way back to her room.

With a sigh, Zaviyaar settled onto his bed, realizing how his temper had almost scared Noor. He vowed to be more considerate in the future, especially with her. Despite the complexities of their current situation, she was his responsibility now, his wife. The idea of Noor being afraid of him, the man meant to protect her, deeply troubled him.
Staying away from Noor was going to be tougher than Zaviyaar thought.

"Noor, here's your breakfast." Noor handed Daadi her meal.

"Have you eaten anything?" Daadi inquired.

"No, I'm not hungry yet," Noor replied.

At that moment, Zaviyaar entered the room. He was dressed in a dark blue polo shirt paired with black dress pants, looking quite handsome. His dark hair was still damp from the shower, and a pleasant scent lingered around him. "My husband," thought Noor. She couldn't help but admire him; after all, he was her husband, and she had every right to look at him.

Zaviyaar smiled at Noor as he greeted both her and Daadi, feeling a peculiar warmth upon seeing Noor's gaze linger on him.

Noor quickly looked away, realizing she had been caught observing him. She shifted her focus to the tasks at hand, deliberately avoiding eye contact with Zaviyaar, her cheeks faintly flushed. For her, he was more than just her husband – he was the man who had protected her, stood up for her, and, despite everything, was beginning to earn her respect and admiration.

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