Thirty Eight

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As the day of the Baraat approached, Khalifa's hatred and anger towards the Chaudhary family intensified. He couldn't bear the thought of their happiness, especially now with Daniyal's marriage to Rabail, which symbolized a future filled with love and joy. To him, it felt like a slap in the face, a cruel reminder of everything he had lost. In his twisted mind, he held the Chaudhary family responsible for his mother's death, even though it was an unfortunate accident that no one could have predicted. He resented them for their wealth and happiness, which he believed should have been rightfully his just because his sister was a part of their family. Now, he saw an opportunity to exact his revenge and make them suffer as he believed they had made him suffer.

Khalifa knew that he couldn't directly ruin the Baraat without getting caught, so he schemed in the shadows, plotting a plan that would cause maximum chaos and distress. He sought help from some unsavoury acquaintances, and together, they hatched a sinister scheme. On the day of the Baraat, as the festivities were in full swing, Khalifa put his plan into action. He discreetly spread rumors among the guests about the Chaudhary family's financial troubles, planting seeds of doubt and suspicion in their minds. He ensured that people overheard his carefully crafted lies, making sure they reached the right ears. In the midst of the celebrations, whispers of financial instability and hidden debts began to circulate, casting a dark shadow over the joyous occasion. The Chaudhary family's reputation, which had always been pristine, was now tainted by the insidious rumours spread by Khalifa and his allies.

As the rumors spread like wildfire, guests started to look at the Chaudhary family with questioning eyes, their smiles now tinged with concern and pity. Even some family members couldn't help but overhear the whispers, and a sense of unease settled over the once jubilant atmosphere. Khalifa watched from a distance, a cruel satisfaction filling his heart as he witnessed the chaos he had orchestrated. He relished in seeing the family's happiness marred by doubt and worry, believing that he was finally getting the revenge he craved.

Noor sensed that something was wrong she saw the distress on the faces of her loved ones and noticed the hushed conversations among the guests. Her heart told her that something was terribly wrong. She rushed towards Daadi and pointed out the obvious, Zaviyaar too noticed the change in the atmosphere. Then it all blew up. Mrs. Mehnaz charged at Harris like a bull, accusations flying like daggers. The air crackled with anger as she demanded answers, like a prosecutor on steroids. Harris was dumbfounded, his face an open book of shock and denial. "What are these rumours? Is your family in debt?"

Harris was shocked at the accusation, "No. Mehnaz jee, this isn't the time and place to discuss these matters. You've known our family and Daniyal for such a long time. We have hidden nothing from you."

"So, are people making rumours out of thin air?" Mehnaz said.

"Mehnaz!" Ibrahim called her out. "Stop this nonsense right now."

"Ibrahim, these people are frauds. They just want my rich and beautiful daughter." She replied.

"Are you in your senses, woman? You will listen to these random people over your daughters choice?" Ibrahim said, trying to put some sense into her.

Khalifa was watching the whole scene and enjoying every moment of it. Rabail was almost close to crying, and Zaviyaar couldn't let his sister cry.

"Listen up, everyone! Some low-life people are spewing false rumours about Daniyal and his family. Shame on you. Are you all here just to backbite and enjoy the show? Stop spreading lies. Imagine your own daughter and son in a similar spot. Would you like it? I think not. Think before you speak. Daniyal and his family aren't in any debt, and they certainly aren't frauds. They are good people who have always been honest about everything. Being rich doesn't mean being pure. None of you are angels. So stop speaking nonsense."  His voice boomed through the room, drowning out the buzz of gossip. He defended Daniyal's family with a ferocity that had people straightening up.

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