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Saleem had always been jealous of Harris's relationship with Mariam, but seeing them together like this made him positively furious. Mariam's gaze was fixed on Harris, and Saleem felt like he was standing in the shadows, watching them bask in each other's light. It maddened him. All the times he had wanted to spend time with Mariam alone or shower her with gifts, he had to do it covertly. Even when he bought kulfis for her, he would wait until he was alone before running to the backyard to share them with her behind the tree. In their culture, and especially in the conservative town of Gujrat where they lived, this kind of behaviour was frowned upon. Saleem knew he was treading dangerous waters, but he couldn't help himself.

He turned to Mariam and tried to put on a brave face. "Mariam, I'm sorry," he said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I acted irrationally and childishly. I'm under a lot of stress because of my exams."

He desperately wanted Mariam to see that he was sincere in his apology, but all he could think about was how much he wanted to punch Harris in the face. He clenched his fists, trying to keep his anger under control.

Mariam looked at him sceptically, but eventually, she relented. "It's okay, Saleem," she said softly. "I understand how stressful exams can be."

Saleem felt a wave of relief wash over him. He knew he had dodged a bullet, but he also knew that he couldn't let Harris get away with this. He would have to find a way to make sure that Mariam saw Harris for the fraud he really was. He resolved to keep a closer eye on them both from now on.

"I'm sorry, Saleem, but I have to leave now. The reason we met for coffee outside was because Uncle Chaudhary doesn't like me being inside their house, especially when I am talking to one of his sons. Secondly, Mama is sick, and I just needed someone to talk to. I hope you understand that."

Saleem looked concerned and asked, "Is everything okay, Mariam? Do you need any help?"

Mariam took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, Saleem, for your kind offer. I appreciate it, but I think I can manage for now. And , please don't yell at Harris for being with me. There wasn't anything inappropriate. I just needed someone to talk to, that's all."

Saleem nodded in understanding, even though he was furious and said, "No, it's not wrong. I apologize for my behaviour earlier. I wasn't thinking straight. You go home and take care of Aunty, and if you need anything, you always have me, Mariam. Always."

Mariam felt relieved and grateful for Saleem's support. She knew that she could count on him in times of need. As she walked away, Mariam couldn't help but feel the stares of the people around her. She wondered if they were judging her for her behaviour. But she pushed those thoughts aside and focused on taking care of her sick mother. She knew that she had done nothing wrong, and she refused to be ashamed of her actions. She was simply seeking solace in the company of a friend during a difficult time, and there was nothing inappropriate about that.

Present day 1991, Travelling to, Punjab, Gujrat,

During the entire journey, the car emitted strange sounds that resembled someone hammering underneath it. The ride was incredibly uncomfortable, and the travelers were unsure if they would even make it to the airport on time, given the deplorable condition of the vehicle. Mariam experienced mixed emotions as she was finally leaving the place she had called home all her life. As a child, she recalled her mother always expressing her desire to travel the world and settle somewhere exotic and adventurous, unlike Pakistan, which was predominantly mountains and greenery. Mariam always felt that many people in her country only dreamt of escaping their homeland and overlooked the beauty, tranquillity, and experiences it had to offer. Mariam would have never considered leaving if it weren't for her safety, and she still couldn't fathom the fact that Harris wanted to kill her. She was desperate for an explanation as to why someone who once deeply cared for her would resort to such ruthless behaviour. Each time Mariam urged her husband, Saleem, to hear Harris out, he would either ignore her or dismissively reply, "You don't know him like I do. He's selfish and will destroy anyone who comes in his way." Saleem had always held a grudge against Harris. Although Ayub was also a source of irritation, he never interfered in other people's affairs like Harris had by stealing the love of Saleem's life.

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