Forty Four

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"Asalam O Alaikum, Noor ul Ain," Khalifa's harsh voice whispered into Noor's ears, sending a chilling shiver down her spine. He clamped down on her shoulder, fingers like iron. "Where are you running off to, filthy girl?" he continued, his grip tightening on her shoulder, his rancid breath brushing her cheek. "Remember Mr. Adil? He's been waiting for you."

Desperation and fear welled up in Noor as she pleaded with her uncle, her voice trembling, "Please, let me go, Uncle! I'm not going with you. Just leave me. Let me go."

Khalifa's tone grew sinister, a wicked smile twisting his lips. "Or what, dear niece? Your gallant protector is nowhere to be found this time. What do you plan to do now?" he taunted, a malicious glint in his eyes.

Determined to fight back, Noor readied herself to scream for help, but Khalifa acted with swiftness, stifling her voice by clamping his hand over her mouth. In a desperate attempt to free herself, she bit down hard on his finger, causing him to yelp in pain.

"You foolish girl! You're nothing more than a shameless animal," Khalifa spat in fury, his patience running thin. In an outburst of cruelty, he slapped her violently, sending her tumbling to the ground, her cheek stinging from the force of the blow.

Noor lay on the ground, her cheek stinging from the brutal slap, tears welling up in her eyes. Khalifa loomed over her, his face contorted with anger.

"You think you can defy me, you wretched girl?" Khalifa hissed, his voice laced with venom. He reached down to grab her arm, yanking her to her feet with a painful grip.

As Noor winced in pain, Khalifa continued, "You'll learn your place, just as you always do. No one can save you now, not your so-called hero or anyone else. You're mingling with men now? Who was that man you were with, huh? Disgusting. Is this what I taught you? To hang out with men who aren't your mehram? Shame on you!"

Khalifa's hand was raised, ready for another strike, but this time, his blow was forcefully intercepted. Zaviyaar, drawn by the commotion and fueled by a mix of alcohol and rage, had stepped in between Noor and her uncle. His words came out with a venomous intensity.

"Listen, YOU shameless animal," Zaviyaar spat, pointing a finger at Khalifa's chest. "Noor is not a shameless woman running around with men. She's my wife! She has every right to be by my side. If I ever see you near her, I will break you and feed you to the dogs. Don't you dare touch her again."

Zaviyaar's words came out slow and deliberate, each one emphasized, and then, in a surge of uncontrolled anger, he struck Khalifa across the face with a powerful punch. Despite his drunken state, he held his ground, determined to protect Noor.

Noor stood in stunned silence, her heart in turmoil. Only moments ago, she and Zaviyaar had been locked in an argument, yet now he stood before her, fiercely defending her, even going as far as to claim they were married to deter her Uncle.

Khalifa staggered back from the force of Zaviyaar's punch, his face contorted in pain and shock. He clutched his bleeding nose, a mixture of blood and anger staining his trembling fingers.

Zaviyaar stood there, his chest heaving with anger, his eyes locked onto Khalifa. "Leave now," he seethed, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.

Khalifa, realizing he was outmatched, cast one final malevolent glare at Noor before stumbling away, disappearing into the darkness.

Noor, still in disbelief at the sudden turn of events, looked at Zaviyaar with a mix of gratitude and confusion. "Why... why did you do that?" she stammered.

Zaviyaar's anger began to ebb, and he looked at her, his gaze softening with an odd tenderness. "I can't explain it," he said, his voice quieter. "But no one should treat you like that. Not after all you've been through."

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