Fifty Two

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New place, unfamiliar surroundings, and the recent events left Noor restless. Suppressing her confused feelings about Arhams behaviour, she went to her room at the Chaudhary house, attempting to sleep but finding it difficult. The confusion surrounding Zaviyaar's actions troubled her deeply. Why was he pushing her away?

Feeling agitated, Noor decided to find solace in prayer. She stood up and performed two units of prayer (nafal), pouring her heart out for Zaviyaar. The rhythmic movements and whispered supplications provided a moment of peace amid the emotional storm she found herself in.

In the hustle of the hospital's Intensive Care Unit (ICU), Zaviyaar lay conscious, yet his constant mutterings of Noor's name and repeated apologies stirred concern among the medical staff. The doctors quickly told the nurses to check his belongings for any ID. Among his things, they found his ID with his father's name and contacted his family.

Mehnaz and Ibrahim, gripped by worry and anticipation, raced to the hospital upon receiving the distressing call. Mindful of Daadi's delicate health, they shielded her from the immediate shock, telling her it was a family friend's emergency, entrusting her with Zenia's care. As for Rabail, Mehnaz, wary of burdening her daughter prematurely, chose to withhold specific details, intending to offer reassurance once more information became available.

Upon arrival, Mehnaz's anguish resonated through heartfelt wails. "Ya Allah! My son! What has happened!? Ibrahim, please bring him to me."

"Calm down, Mehnaz. Let's go talk to the doctor and understand the situation. Insha'Allah, everything will be fine," Ibrahim comforted her, moving through the hospital's corridors with a mixture of faith and reliance on medical expertise.

In the hospital's waiting area, Mehnaz and Ibrahim anxiously awaited news about Zaviyaar's condition. The air was heavy with uncertainty, and the minutes seemed to stretch endlessly. A sympathetic nurse approached them and guided them to a private room where the attending doctor would provide an update.

Inside the room, the doctor, a seasoned professional with a calm demeanour, began explaining Zaviyaar's critical condition. "Your son is in a serious state. He sustained severe injuries from the accident, and we are doing everything we can to stabilize him. However, I must emphasize that his condition is critical, and we're closely monitoring him."

Mehnaz's eyes welled up with tears, and Ibrahim, though trying to remain composed, couldn't hide the concern etched on his face. "Please, doctor, do everything in your power to save him. He's all we have," Mehnaz pleaded, her voice choked with emotion.

"Just pray to Allah. We will try our best." The doctor reassured them that the medical team was giving their best effort, but the situation remained precarious. Mehnaz and Ibrahim returned to the waiting area, grappling with the harsh reality that their beloved Zaviyaar was fighting for his life.

Unbeknownst to Noor, a storm of emotions raged within her as she grappled with the belief that Zaviyaar was intentionally pushing her away. In the unfamiliar surroundings of the Chaudhary house, she couldn't fathom why he would distance himself at a time when she needed him the most. Little did she know that Zaviyaar was fighting for his life in the ICU, his consciousness entwined with murmurs of her name. The cruel twist of fate had cast a shadow over their connection, leaving Noor in a state of confusion and hurt, unaware that the man she longed for was battling an unseen adversary.

Noor was roused from her slumber by a gentle knock on her door. A yawn escaped her lips as she reached for her dupatta and opened the door, only to find Daadi Sairah standing there with a warm smile. The realization hit Noor that it was already the afternoon, a fact she had missed due to her restless night. Sairah expressed concern, mentioning that Harris and Waliya were waiting for her downstairs.

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