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As Noor's world spun in a haze of pain and fear, a sudden commotion erupted nearby. It was Zaviyaar. He had come upstairs to use the washroom when the sight of Khalifa's sinister grip on Noor's arm triggered an immediate surge of rage within him.

"Let her go!" Zaviyaar's voice rang out, filled with an intensity that could make even the bravest quiver. His strong hand clamped onto Khalifa's shoulder, yanking him away from Noor with a force that startled even Khalifa.

Khalifa stumbled back, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected intervention. "Who are you?" he snarled, his hand instinctively reaching for a concealed weapon.

"Doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you're not going to harm her," Zaviyaar's words were firm and unwavering, his eyes locked onto Khalifa's, radiating a challenge that brooked no argument.

Khalifa's lips curled into a malicious grin. "You think you can stop me?" he taunted, his fingers tightening around the concealed weapon.

Before he could make another move, a powerful force surged through Zaviyaar. He lunged forward, his fist connecting with Khalifa's jaw in a swift and powerful blow. Khalifa stumbled backwards, his weapon falling from his hand as he crashed against the wall.

Noor watched, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and awe, as Zaviyaar stood between her and the man who had tormented her past. Zaviyaar's face was a mix of fierce determination and raw anger, a stark contrast to the calculating malevolence that Khalifa exuded.

"Stay away from her," Zaviyaar's voice was a low growl, his eyes blazing with a fire that dared Khalifa to challenge him further.

Khalifa, disoriented and injured, seemed to finally grasp the danger of the situation. He cast a venomous look at Noor before turning and fleeing, disappearing into the shadows. "I WILL BE BACK FOR YOU NOOR UL AIN!"

The words hung in the air like a chilling promise, sending a shiver down Noor's spine. Zaviyaar's protective presence remained steadfast at her side, a silent reminder that she wasn't alone in facing the threat that Khalifa posed.

As Khalifa turned, his footsteps echoed in the dim hallway for a moment before fading into silence. Noor's heart raced, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. Fear, anger, and a stubborn resolve all clashed within her, leaving her both shaken and determined.

Zaviyaar's focus shifted back to Noor, his expression softening as he took in her trembling form. Gently, he reached out and touched her arm, his fingers brushing over the spot where Khalifa had gripped her. "Are you okay?" His voice was softer now, filled with genuine concern. Zaviyaar's gaze remained fixed on the spot where Khalifa had disappeared, his jaw clenched tightly. His protective stance didn't waver, and he turned his attention back to Noor. "Don't worry," he said, his voice low but steady. "He won't be able to touch you."

Noor nodded, her throat too tight for words. She felt a rush of emotions - gratitude, relief, and an unfamiliar warmth that Zaviyaar's presence seemed to bring.

Zaviyaar's hand lingered on her arm for a moment longer before he withdrew it, as if suddenly aware of the tenderness of the gesture. "Let's get you back inside," he said gently, guiding her away from the dim hallway and back towards the light and music of the celebration.

As they walked, Noor stole a glance at Zaviyaar, his tall and imposing figure now a symbol of protection in her eyes. She knew she owed him her safety, but there was something more - an unspoken understanding that had formed between them, born from shared pain and the desire to protect the ones they cared for.

As the walima celebrations continued to unfold, Noor found it increasingly difficult to shake off the fear that Khalifa's chilling words had ignited within her. She watched the festivities with a forced smile, her mind a whirlwind of anxious thoughts. What if Khalifa returned? What if his threats became a reality? The past she had fought so hard to escape seemed to have caught up with her, and the feeling of vulnerability gnawed at her.

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