Twenty One

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Noor found herself caught in a dilemma. Desperation gnawed at her, urging her to swallow her pride and endure the presence of this monstrous woman. Summoning every ounce of courage within her, she stepped forward as she heard the scrawny man in the corner call out, "Next."

The woman, still seated in her car, didn't even spare a glance towards Noor. With an air of indifference, she barked, "Introduce yourself quickly."

Noor's voice quivered slightly as she began, "My name is Noor, and I am 22 years old..."

"Just shut up!" the woman interrupted, her eyes blazing with anger. "Do you think I care about your name or how long you've been on this planet? Tell me about your work experience and then disappear."

Tears welled up in Noor's eyes, a mixture of frustration and disbelief. How could a person be so callous? Who did this woman think she was? After enduring countless hardships with her uncle, Noor was no longer willing to tolerate degradation from a stranger.

Taking a deep breath, Noor gathered her strength and spoke with conviction, "You know what? You are no better than me or anyone else standing here. In the sight of Allah, we are all equal, regardless of wealth or social status. Just because you have been blessed with riches now does not mean that it will be a permanent state. Life has a way of turning the tables, and one day we might find ourselves on opposite sides, facing different trials."

The woman's expression momentarily shifted, a mix of surprise and indignation crossing her face. Noor's words had struck a chord, piercing through the armor of arrogance and entitlement that surrounded the woman's persona. The bystanders held their breath, captivated by the audacity and truth in Noor's response.

As the weight of Noor's words settled, the woman's initial anger transformed into a flicker of introspection. Perhaps, in that brief moment, she glimpsed her own vulnerability and the fragility of her privileged position. Noor's conviction had reminded her that material wealth was transient, and the true measure of a person's worth lay in their character and treatment of others.

Breaking the silence, the woman's voice softened slightly, though pride still lingered in her tone. "You have some nerve, girl. I'll give you that. But remember, in this world, it's survival of the fittest. Good luck finding your way."

Noor nodded, her eyes unwavering as she replied, "Thank you for the luck, but I have faith that Allah will guide me. And I hope that one day, you find humility and compassion in your heart."

With those parting words, Noor turned away from the woman, her head held high. She may not have secured the job opportunity she had hoped for, but she had found something far more valuable—her self-respect and the unwavering belief in her own worth.

Zaaviyaar was taken aback by Noor's audacity, witnessing her fearless confrontation with his domineering mother. He had always been too frightened to speak up against her, let alone challenge her authority. Even the simple act of praying namaz had been denied to him, as his mother deemed him too young to embrace religion fully. But seeing Noor's unwavering resolve, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and curiosity. As Noor's words lingered in the air, Zaaviyaar gathered his thoughts and decided to seize this unexpected opportunity. He approached his mother cautiously, carefully choosing his words. "Amma, I believe this girl would be a perfect fit to take care of daadi maa. I know you may have reservations about hiring someone so outspoken and ill-mannered, but perhaps we can view it as a form of punishment. Taking care of grandma is no easy task, after all." Zaaviyaar inwardly prayed that his mother would consider his suggestion. Life in their oppressive household had grown monotonous, and he relished the idea of shifting the dynamics and subjecting someone else to their mother's control. Days at home would become more interesting with someone else bearing the brunt of his mother's demands. Noor, observing Zaaviyaar's calculated intervention, couldn't help but wonder about his true intentions. Why was he suddenly advocating for her? Was there an ulterior motive behind his actions, or did he genuinely see an opportunity to disrupt the status quo?

"I can talk for myself Zaaviyaar Ibrahim Khan." She replied staring into his eyes which displayed so much sadness and were void of any other emotion.

Before she could voice her thoughts, Noor was interrupted by Mehnaz Ibrahim Khan, Zaaviyaar's mother. "You will address him as Sahab jee or Sir, depending on what is appropriate," she interjected, her tone laced with authority. "Now that you are working for Mehnaz Ibrahim Khan, there are certain rules and regulations you must adhere to. Failure to comply will result in consequences."

Noor's gaze remained fixed on Zaaviyaar, searching for any signs of sincerity or deception. His eyes, reflecting a profound sadness and hint of longing, revealed a depth that intrigued her. She realized that beneath his outward obnoxiousness, there might be a flicker of empathy and a shared desire to challenge the oppressive environment they found themselves in.

With a slight nod, Noor acknowledged Mehnaz's words but held Zaaviyaar's gaze, silently conveying her determination to navigate this complex situation on her own terms. 

Harris was now standing in front of the haveli, reliving all the memories, reminiscing both the good and the bad times. Despite being sick of living with the agony in his heart, he would miss this place, his childhood home. Amma jaan insisted on buying a house in an elite area as it was deemed safer compared to other neighborhoods. Even though Harris wanted to live somewhere far away from all the high society gossip and drama, his mother was too steadfast in her decision. Noor, on the other hand, was headed to a place called Bahria Town. She had never heard of it before and was filled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension as she wondered what lay ahead. The prospect of starting anew both thrilled and scared her, as she prepared herself for the unknown challenges that awaited. As Noor approached Bahria Town, she marveled at the meticulously planned streets, elegant houses, and picturesque surroundings. It was a stark contrast to the chaotic streets she had grown accustomed to. The air of luxury and tranquility enveloped her, igniting a spark of hope within her heart, even as she remained conscious of her own humble background. Navigating through the unfamiliar streets, Noor finally arrived at the address she had been given. Standing before an imposing mansion, she took a deep breath, summoning her courage. This was the next chapter in her life, an opportunity to redefine herself and overcome the adversities she had faced. Little did Noor know that within the walls of this grand estate, a tapestry of secrets and hidden truths awaited her. As she stepped through the threshold, she was about to embark on a journey that would test her resilience, challenge her beliefs, and ultimately lead her to discover the power within herself.

In a parallel universe, Harris, too, found himself grappling with his own inner demons within the confines of the elite neighborhood. The pristine facade of wealth and privilege masked a world of unfulfilled dreams, broken promises, and unanswered questions. As he wandered through the manicured streets, Harris couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation, yearning for a connection that transcended material possessions and societal expectations. Fate, it seemed, had intertwined the lives of Harris and Noor, two individuals from different worlds brought together by circumstance. Their paths were destined to cross, and in the face of adversity, they would discover a shared strength and resilience that would propel them towards a destiny neither could have imagined.

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